3rd Annual BB BBQ Intraclub. It's ended! Photos up! - Planning for 4th begins. TBC

Is this a kid friendly event? (2 year old)

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Not at the gate / entrance from the road. That’s a security guy. He’s got a different list.

As per the updated thread title, we are fully booked.

If you want to attend PM me so I can add you to the waiting list. If you are not attending please let me know so someone else can take your place!

I’ll see what else I can do!

Its kid-friendly in that your 2yo would be welcome, but id just give you a heads up that the balcony could get pretty crowded and tnere wasnt much in the way of seating.
Im bringing my 5yo and im expecting to spend a bit of time on the balcony with Blitz but a fair chunk of time keeping him busy and not bored.
Might have to give him a set of tongs!


Cheers. We are in.

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nowhere near the tvc/hangar but have an awesome.tiem blitz.

I really hope the club hasnt built one of those dodgy balconies and it stays well upright otherwise qe are down some ■■■■■■ good posters.

looking forward to the interweb reports for some vicarious fun.



Well done @Soulnet on the sell out. There is something special about this site and its members that makes it feel like more than just a football forum. I’m sure it’ll be a hoot of a day for all - enjoy.


I will bring the pretzels and lolly snakes for the half time break, Maybe we can get BJ up there or get a Blitz reenactment. :smile:


I think a counsellor in suicide prevention for the youngsters would be more appropriate if that happens.
They lack the resilience that half a century of watching the Bombers has taught many of us.


BB Annual BBQ eve.

What a wonderful time of year.


Looking forward to sticking my head in! If you have me as a taken place you can free it up if you like - I’ll just sneak in… Gatecrasher extraordinaire.

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I have you as an Efc person. You will have a BB name tag though so don’t feel left out!

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Should we organise a pre training march? Maybe a march from the airport… March to the Balcony?
Doesn’t quite have that catchy ring to it though.


Pre game entertainment. BB intraclub.

Only if I can be that fat South Australian full forward.

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Can you surf?

I know my way around the interwebs, yes.


I hope we’ll be getting live HOT SAUSAGE REPORTS

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It’s the most wonderful time of the year.
With the sausages sizzling.
The footy so thrilling.
There’ll be a big cheer.

It’s the most wonderful time of the year.