Geez, looks like the butcher of Baghdad closed that up. Makes me think Nip/Tuck might have been fake.
Glad he is progressing though. He’s had a hell of a ride.
Geez, looks like the butcher of Baghdad closed that up. Makes me think Nip/Tuck might have been fake.
Glad he is progressing though. He’s had a hell of a ride.
They probably could’ve done a better job with that closure.
And I’m not sure the rod on the bottom left of the AP is captured as well as it could be…but I’m sure it is.
Seeing past EFC stars like Moorecroft and Henneman sending love is so so cool.
About the proudest I’ve been of us in 20 years.
He looks great - what a ■■■■■■■ champion.
Wonderful to see him up, back at The Hangar and smiling.
Could play.
Will never forget the day in April 2011 when he and Dempsey both tore their ACL’s in the same game.
I just watched highlights of round 11 2007 vs West Coast (premiers from 2006). He starred that day. Fantastic to see him recovered from that horrendous injury.
Indeed. It’s wonderful news. I was afraid he’d end up quadriplegic !
I was there that day, and those two were my favourite players at the time. It was pretty horrible.
I maintain that Jason Winderlich is the most talented EFC player of the past 20 years. He couldn’t play ruck or key defence, and he couldn’t stay fit. He had every other base covered though.
Too late for pre season draft? Loved this kid. Great talent.
Had the sublime kicking action as well