I should have posted here. Horizontal frozen rain at a rate that was equivalent to a high pressure cleaner in Brunswick 10 minutes ago
You do blow a lot.
thats a job requirement at brazzers
Part of my massive garden clean-up following the storm disaster on Sunday night was re-sowing patches of damaged lawn and the spot where the felled tree used to be.
Light but steady rain today the ideal way to germinate that new lawn seed.
Thanks weather gods, but it was you who created the problem in the first place.
The harbinger of rain making a loud ANNOUNCE.
I got all wet.
Getting the frozen stuff inner west
The AFLW game has the frozen rain.
Lovely weather we’re having.
I reckon we’ve just had 20-30mm in Highton in the last 30mins. Hardly any or no rain in other parts of Geelong. Coming home you could this massive dump of rain in the distance. As I got into Wandana Heights and Highton all the drains were spewing water out rather than taking it in. Bazar.
Fark, wimmera can control weather!
lol, you silly man.
One of the biggest and brightest light shows I’ve seen for sometime here
DESTRUCTIVE WINDS, GIANT HAIL AND INTENSE RAINFALL are possible in the North East and eastern parts of the Northern Country and North Central districts. There is a possibility of tornadoes forming in this area.
Good one for the NE storm chasers… be some nice stacks in there.