A thread about rain and no other things

chubby rain

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I’m seeing a profile of Homer Simpson. Think I need to cut down on the TV watching.


Not bad for 2 hours rainfall (from 9am)

Done less than 1hours work and about to be sent home. Yay


come on rosso, it’s gunna wash the concrete beautifully and save us having to hose them down

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I’m hoping it somehow comes in at all angles and washes my wheels.

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Needs more water for the statue to grow.

I love a rainy day, except when I’m on holidays. Not in Vic at the moment so doing my best to keep the rain away from me.

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We were going to leave the hanging baskets down and in the open to get some rain, but worried that our family won’t remember to hang them back up and they’ll burn.

Should have left them down, that rain would have been good for them.

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We went away for a 10 day stint. I want sure about enough rain… I have 2 timer taps that I set up. They each run through cheap 4 way taps. I set them for 15 mins morning and early evening. These keep some wicking beds, a vegie patch and a few assembled clusters of potted/hanging plants from drying/dying out. Worked fine.

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We must have had 40mm here in the last two hours. Hasn’t stopped.

I know this is a thread about only rain, but my grass is going to go crazy!

Might need to start a thread about grass and no other thing but grass. keeping the dopers out of the thread will be a challenge!


Oh, there’s a grass thread. Thought leaves would have been more your style!



By gum!


Ok skies person, that’ll do, that’ll do.

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With all this rain, I’m reminded of a former workmate who once noted that his tank was overflowing. I said that he should be watering out of it. He said “but it’s raining”. I said, well, you can have that overflow water go in to contribute to the soil moisture in your garden beds or have it contribute to the flood in the local creek…
He said “but the garden’s already wet”. I said go check an inch below your mulch layer and get back to me. He later told me he did check and it was dry as dust.

I hate having the rain tank overflow. If it already is or I’m certain it will be, I try and water furiously so that the tank just fills, or thereabouts. The wetter the soil is, the more it will accept moisture. So it’s actually good to give one garden bed a big soak before a rain event. That way there’s less shedding of the rain off dusty, hydrophobic soil.

It’s still raining and I’ve got the hose flat out on a dried-out bed hosting only run-to-seed ex-crops, in the vegie patch.

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Isn’t there something to do with the extra ozone in air during rainfall making plants more efficient at taking in the water?

I could’ve completely made that up.

Ozone is what makes you feel good just after the rain. That’s ozone you’re smelling.


I’ve smelt ozone. Doesn’t smell like that.

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