Australia’s Black History

You are certainly one I would never ask.

Changing a public holiday to another day isn’t going to change anything.
Throwing more money isn’t going to change anything.

Neither of those are the problem.


I’m not aware of any of those groups proposing that I make regular payments to them to help address imbalances regarding the group they work with.

I went and read the article in full…it hasn’t changed my mind one bit.

If they seriously want people to consider their proposal, they could start by toning down their language.

Mr Thorpe told media the rent scheme is ‘a rational, reasonable, responsible means of reconciling 200 years of unchecked genocide, as far as I’m concerned’."

"Supporters of the scheme include feminist author Clementine Ford and high-profile Greens senator and activist Lidia Thorpe.

We need to stop paying lip service to decolonisation and start paying the rent to the first nations people,’ Ford said."

I have never, and will never, consider that I played any role in “unchecked genocide” or “decolonisation”

Throwing those sort of statements around will guarantee to get a large percentage of people offside.


Really? Here’s a charity proposing you make regular payments to them to help redress an imbalance. Any charity with a ‘schedule a regular donation’ button on their webpage is the same.

It’s not a matter of us personally playing a role in genocide. But all of us descendants of white immigrants are undeniably the beneficiaries of that genocide simply because we live on land that was appropriated through invasion, violence, and deliberate dispossession.


So pretty much like most land in the world.


it’s a bit of a crazy policy IMO.
but yeh it’s voluntary and if anyone wants to donate to it I don’t mind.
saying it should be 1% of income is a bit much, but saying they would like regular payments is not.

Should the govt do more probably.
would this charity help probably will everyone sign up no, but a few who can might.

What i would like to see more is, Treaty which is what the politician they aligned to the charity has asked for.

Would probably be a good olive Branch from Labor Govt and something they could pat themselves on the back about.

And probably change the date.

suggestion would be last Friday in January.
Then gauranteed long weekend.

Spare me the histrionics.

I benefited from something called hard work…I worked and saved…and with those savings, bought a house with my ex…saved some more and bought a second house…got divorced and got left with the lesser house and a large mortgage…kept working and paid that off.

That’s how I benefited.


What about non white immigrants?

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I’m sure this arguments been prosecuted here countless times but when does that stop us? :grinning:

If it’s just another public holiday to you what does it matter on which day it’s celebrated?

If, however, celebrating that particular date is offensive to you in any way, I’d say it’s going to matter a lot.

Ask yourself, what are we celebrating? Then ask yourself, is there a more inclusive day on which we could celebrate.


What if the last Friday in January is the 26th?


so be it.
They can still do their marches once very few years etc. But it just happens to fall on 26 by chance.

Drawing attention to invasion day probably isn’t a bad thing, but not every year.

People celebrate all different things on any holiday. It’s incredibly childish to think that changing a day is going to all of a sudden make everything happy and groovy. It won’t change a thing. It will just divide more people.


I honestly don’t think a large percentage of the world understand this.

It’s a very white thing to constantly talk about.


This song kicks ■■■ on a day like today.

A good idea conceptually I agree but will never happen

History is not histrionics.

If the indigenous genocide hadn’t happened, I would never have been born because all my ancestors would have starved to death in the potato famine or been killed by the English for rebellion without the option of leaving to Australia. If dispossession hadn’t happened, the land which I worked to buy and live on wouldn’t have been for sale in a British-imposed system of law and property ownership set up for and by the original perpetrators of the genocide and dispossession, and under which the descendants of the victims of genocide and dispossession are still disproportionately disadvantaged.

This is just fact. It’s fact that’s hundreds of years old, that I didn’t have a hand in, and that I can’t reverse, and I can’t even realistically opt out of the system. But i can’t pretend that it didn’t happen, and I can’t pretend that I’m personally not in a better place because it happened, than I would be if it hadn’t.


I’m happy for you to view things that way.

I’ll just stick to my way of thinking.


Go on, I’m genuinely curious how you think that this could be the case.

If the majority of people don’t want it changed (Which is what some have said in here). It’s not going to be all happy if the government just changes the day, and basically says “■■■■ you”.

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Is the above another example of when you don’t like arguing?