Australia’s Black History

Hey there HAP–

Yes, the walking theory may still have some currency. However, I’ve seen some ideas of sailing from East Timor – or rather the proto-island of Timor to the proto-island of Australia (aka 'Sahul) – over shorter distances than now as the sea-level was lower and more land exposed.

Either way, an amazing feat.

Yeah i read something similar the other day. They worked out there needed to be a certain number of people to sustain a population, so it almost certainly wasn’t random chance.

Why do you think that?

Because it sounds like a Batman kinda thing?

Kinda. But bear in mind I read a lot of fantasy novels and every second book in the entire fkg genre is called Dark SomethingOrOther, so I might be just jaded.

If he was aiming for some sort of metaphor in the title, it’s connection to the content certainly escaped me. Cracking read though.

Racism is part of the human condition. It just manifests itself in different ways. I think of it how people view each other as different and therefore inferior.

This will seem odd.
I dont really enjoy International sports for that reason. Just dont really like it. I think it was either a rugby or cricket match which convinced me. I mean I dont mind it when we are underdogs I guess. Maybe I just have to follow some non Australian teams… Or that might make me. Unaustralian.

Club sport, I love. Something about tribalism and rivalries going across families or friends. Ie something you choose…

But when extend that bias(as in irrational dislike for something because you dont identify with it) to your race, gender, age, height etc… I just find it abhorrent and I do as well feel for someone who experiences it.

But dont feel that its any worse in Australia than it is in the rest of the world. To believe that is to wear Rose colours glasses.

So maybe dont despair and also dont buy into identity politics.

After all white guy, see I can take pot shots at your red/blonde hair, short stature, name, sexuality, waistline etc etc. Stuff you might not be able to help either.

Dont despair at it. Prove haters wrong by rising above others or even your own stereotypes…

Thats how I see it. I do hope this doesnt come across as an offensive post or making lighthearted of a serious situation. Dont make it só serious.

Eg. Can’t Israel Folau just be regarded as a fuckknuckle and ignored? Let him play rugby I say. Gives something for someone to boo. His version of hell condemns homosexuals. His version.

*if you don’t know…

It’s like Orion or the southern cross.

It’s a dark patch in the Milky Way that resembles an emu that was used for navigation

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Huh, I didn’t know, thanks. Makes a bit more sense now.

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Farting is part of the human condition. Racism is learnt, is a choice. The rest of what you wrote sounds reasonable but only from the point of view of someone who subscribes to the “I’m alright Jack” philosophy. You’re saying live and let live but then use the example of a rich, powerful man who is using his elevated platform to actively spread discrimination against a huge group of people. Just let him play? Ok.


Not at all.

What I am suggesting is you find racism everywhere. Its a sad outcome of human nature we run with our herds

Doesnt mean you cant do your best to combat it.

If its not explicit it is implicit.

I absolutely agree that the original human inhabitants were incredibly harshly treated for almost two hundred years after 1788 and this story needs to be told in schools, just as I was taught about the Roman, Viking and Norman invasions of England, which are now an accepted part of the past.

Europe itself had a history of hordes of invaders and refugees criss-crossing the continent north to south, East to West, from Africa to Southern Europe, from the Middle East to Eastern Europe. Europeans still harbour resentments, but they also accept the past, for the most part now that the EU is spreading wealth a bit more evenly.

I do want to know what is a sensible limitation of culpability for the harsh treatment of Aborigines.

For instance none of my family descended from the first fleet arrivals, but I am descended from British people and we are now 8-10 generations removed from that event. Many others have come to Australia from Italy, Yugoslavia, Greece, Ireland since 1788 etc. Are they in any way culpable ? The Commonwealth of Australia dates from 1900. Is it responsible for 1788 ? The colony of New South Wales, currently the State Government of NSW seems to be most logically culpable for the injustice.

I am aware that wounds are never healed in some cases. The crusaders invading Palestine for instance: 1000 years!. Yet others are minimised, like the Hitler regime; 80 years, part of the recent history of Germany, and yet even those who won Hitlers war are now economically beholden to Germany who virtually control the EU and all others in Europe seem to have accepted the evil of the German Reich and pretty much moved on.

The problem is I cannot help feeling guilty in some way for something I never did . Is that right ?

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No, it’s not.
You feeling guilty helps no bugger.


Good old Israel, he may well be labelled the new messiah. He is bringing Fundamentalist Churches together over this. A Church donated another $100,000 to the cause today so the Sun said.

I hope it doesn’t cause another open slather Gay bashing time which will make life and being different a dangerous label to wear. This has happened before and may happen again. I hope it doesn’t bring all the ratbags and haters out of the woodwork.

They’ve not really retreated since the last time.

The likes of the Aust Christian Lobby have been waiting for an issue to which they can hitch their wagon, and they think this is it.


I think you are on the money and things are going to get a whole lot worse before they get right again. An issue like this could rip families apart and create a massive “hate” campaign.

I think it(his case) will be fully focussed on his freedom to practice religion and not be sacked.

I could be wrong, but I dont think it will be framed as a right to be homophobic.

Yes it will be focused on freedom of speech. He won’t win the court case, but if the media continue to portray it as being all about homophobia, then it will only encourage more support for him.

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What do you make of it versus unfair dismissal?

Note you can’t (afaik) offer a contract which discriminates someones ability on their ability to practice their religion. Do code of conducts over rule this?

So hmm maybe it will come down to the right to offend through religion vs the right to take offense.

Folau wasnt the one discriminating against an employee due to their sexual orientation, but I think there is an argument the other way.

I dont know if it will be about free speech. Rather the responsibility to allow others to exercise their religion no matter if it is offensive.

I do wonder, had his tweet not included homosexuals would there have been any backlash at all? The other categories listed as hell bound certainly capture a far greater % of the population but the tweet is only ever referred to as homophobic. What about the poor Idolaters, where is the outrage for them?

Is the fact that condemnation of things like homosexuality being a common religious belief for many Christians & Muslims news to anyone? I’m 100% a non-believer & I know that 100% puts me at odds with every believer of every faith. I get that & accept that they are free to think I’m going to hell/jahannam or whatever but again I don’t believe there is a hell so I don’t care what they believe. Folau simply tweeted what I already knew many Christians believed. He is now blatantly being persecuted for that belief.

For promoting that part of that belief.
That’s one read on it.

Another is that he broke what I’m pretty sure would be a very clear social media policy that was on his actual contract.

If he had a problem with that, he could have played yet another sport.


Id agree on a social media clause which didnt rubbish rugby.

Makes me wonder if my current workplace has one.