Australian Border Force

Are we allowed to discuss this matter that happened last Friday? Not so much on a partisan political level but on a human rights level? For instance, should Australian government officials be able to wander the streets of Melbourne and ask" any individual who crosses our path" for their papers? Please discuss.
This forum used to be lively; it now seems dead.
This matter and many more like it are being discussed in news fora all over the interweb. Who censored BB? Why?

As mentioned in the other thread i think this is simply a matter of a poorly written statement. Immigration staff have for years conducted joint operations with Police to ascertain immigration staus of people.

Some seem to think it was more than a “poorly written statement”. Welcome to our own little Gulag and its attack dogs.

You want the 'Prove you’re Australian or gtfo’ thread… or at least you did until Daytripper arrived there. Some seem to think it was more than a "poorly written statement". Welcome to our own little Gulag and its attack dogs.

I dont believe anything written in the Age.

For the record i believe both sides of politics have been nothing short of disgraceful in their treatment of asylum seekers.

LOL - what papers?
Do I show them my copy of Inside Football or Best Bets?

Biggest beat up of all time.
No wonder con artists do so well.

Border Force visited my cafe yesterday… 6 or 7 of them …
Asked if we had Soy Milk … Yes
Asked if we had Decaf… Yes

Ordered tea

Am I been stupid or do ‘papers’ just mean visa?
I’m pretty sure it’s not Best Bets but, like all your silly statements, you knew that.

Am I been stupid or do 'papers' just mean visa? I'm pretty sure it's not Best Bets but, like all your silly statements, you knew that.

I don’t know - I’m not the one who mentioned ‘papers’?
Sounds scary though.

Only need to be concerned if you are a brown person, or have some kind of religious head dress.

As mentioned in the other thread i think this is simply a matter of a poorly written statement. Immigration staff have for years conducted joint operations with Police to ascertain immigration staus of people.
That's all very well and good if they are raiding a sweat shop or agricultural operation where they might be employing wrongos for not much money. To be bailing up anyone in the street is exactly what all the classical totalitarian regimes have done over the years.
As mentioned in the other thread i think this is simply a matter of a poorly written statement. Immigration staff have for years conducted joint operations with Police to ascertain immigration staus of people.
That's all very well and good if they are raiding a sweat shop or agricultural operation where they might be employing wrongos for not much money. To be bailing up anyone in the street is exactly what all the classical totalitarian regimes have done over the years.

So living in Melbourne 2015 is similar to living in Berlin circa 1939 or Phnom Penh 1973

Great to see that you’re keeping it all in perspective.

■■■■ it … let’s militarise the whole public service.

wrong thread but it seems to be going this way (Politics Thread Pt.2) but the GDP experienced is slowest quarterly growth ever .2% we are now growing slower than Greece.

Good job Libs.

wrong thread but it seems to be going this way (Politics Thread Pt.2) but the GDP experienced is slowest quarterly growth ever .2% we are now growing slower than Greece.

Good job Libs.

Umm - so is almost every country in the developed world as Greece is coming off a laughably low base.

Did you also know that Greece’s productivity growth was more than double that of Germany’s in that same period.

wrong thread but it seems to be going this way (Politics Thread Pt.2) but the GDP experienced is slowest quarterly growth ever .2% we are now growing slower than Greece.

Good job Libs.

Yeah but to be fair, I’ve been here nearly 2 months.

LOL - what papers? Do I show them my copy of Inside Football or Best Bets?

Biggest beat up of all time.
No wonder con artists do so well.

You would be in serious trouble if they needed to see your copy of Green Left Weekly.

LOL - what papers? Do I show them my copy of Inside Football or Best Bets?

Biggest beat up of all time.
No wonder con artists do so well.

You would be in serious trouble if they needed to see your copy of Green Left Weekly.

Now that should be a deportable offense. :slight_smile:

The graph of growth rates I saw had the USA growing 3.7% for the quarter?!?

Mind you, there are lots of distortions available — e.g. Italy avoiding going into recession late last year by bringing the likes of drug trafficking and prostitution into the counted economy.

Sorry, back on topic:

■■■■ it ....... let's militarise the whole public service.

can you imagine joe copper rocking an assault rifle?