Australian Politics -- and YOU WILL LIKE IT

You joke, but it’s a valid point. The only people I know of that can’t vote are those serving more than 3 or something years prison. I don’t know if there are any citizens walking the streets that have been stripped of voting rights.

Either way, it would come up on the voting roll audit after the election.

There was something a while back of people voting for those in Aged Care.
There are Fed Plt Committee reports going back to 2014 and 2016.
There are issues, but to suddenly spring a Bill now is what is suss.
Got to get a pile of legislation up before the next election.

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Aged Care voting is very suss.
You could argue that on a practical level its not many votes, but many seats have been decided by only a handful.

On an ethical level, some people are absolutely getting more than one vote, and that’s not okay.
And thinking about it…the potential for one very helpful carer to swing a Lot of votes exists.

We successfully applied for my mother-in-law to be taken off the electoral roll some years ago.

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I may have missed something here, but how does voter ID laws constrict the voting ability of lower socio-economic people?

Do poor people not have drivers licenses, proof of age cards, Medicare cards, birth certificates, Commonwealth seniors / concession cards, taxation notices, bank statements, utilities bills, credit/debit cards?

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The most vulnerable people in society usually don’t, no. How many homeless people do you think have identification documents on them?

How many indigenous people in remote communities?

Their vote is worth just as much as yours.


Not necessarily, no.

Eg Homeless, jobless, people fleeing from abuse, people with severe substance issues don’t necessarily have those documents in order.

Really, they don’t have any of those options?

How do they draw a pension or government payment without id?

I’m not looking for an argument, I just don’t understand.

Not everyone is getting money from the government. It might shock you to know that there are plenty of disadvantaged people that actually live in society, but don’t soak up your precious tax dollars.

And if you don’t understand that, I can’t help you.

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So if the bill passes into legislation, will a potential incoming Albo government repeal it?

with most of them put down to “confusion, poor comprehension, etc”

only 76 were referred to the afp

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fk that’d be funny if they brought it in then their 2pp vote fell by 5%

their name and address is on the roll?

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Meanwhile St Gladys is going well.


Integrity :joy:

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Kimberley Kitching tore Minister Reynolds a new one in Estimates. (Community Affairs).
Accused Reynolds of throwing her Liberal colleague Julia Banks under the bus over sexual harassment claims and of buying a promotion by keeping quiet over the Brittany Higgins rape.
And of course, for not answering questions on notice from a year ago.

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Wotif someone died and they were still on the electoral roll on Election Day?

  • and someone else knows their name and address?

Wotif that happened in that seat when Bracks won Government by a handful of votes?
I jest

Read: I can subvert normal democratic processes to give my secret boyfriend’s electorate bulk cash handouts

What a despicable human


Ignore it, just a plan to distract from their crap climate ‘plan’

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Reports that the CEO of the Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility has resigned ahead of Senate Estimates.
NAIF is a $5bn Fed lending facility to finance projects by the Governments of the NT, Queensland and WA.