when i run for pm you’ll find out
The provisions of the Electoral Act do not give the AEC or any AEC officer the power to reject a fully completed candidate nomination, regardless of whether any answer to a question of the qualification checklist is incorrect, false or inadequate (see section 170A, Electoral Act). This means the AEC cannot reject a nomination even if it contains a false declaration as to the eligibility of that person to stand for election.
The AEC notes Mr Culleton is listed on the National Personal Insolvency Index as an undischarged bankrupt. It appears therefore that he may have made a false declaration as part of his nomination process. The AEC has referred this matter to the Australian Federal Police for their consideration.
nothing to see here move along
Cancel culture strikes again.
50m again. You just don’t learn.
Subtly shakes heads and internally screams.
Good old regional Kew.
So why isn’t the Labor Party announcing that in the first week of gaining office the Sri Lankan family will be returning to Biloela?
Said they would
Anyone know if the ALP has said anything about Witness K and Bernard Collaery prosecution? Would they continue with it?
Source for the Biloela is Murray Watt on QandA at Gladstone.
There was also a panelist Amanda Cahill from The Next Economy, who made sense on transitioning to clean energy ( does work with the community, including private energy sector) and made fools of Keith Pitt and Bob Katter ( Watt stayed pretty quiet on this).
Cahill had previously worked on development aid in the Pacific Islands , also had a bit to say on that. She was a very good communicator, as was Bronwyn Fredericks, an academic on indigenous and Torres Straits Islanders ( a mob of them in the audience)
It was one of the better QandA programs, good Qs from the audience, if you skip the crap from Pitt and Katter
Witness K pleaded guilty and got a three month suspended sentence last year. Do you mean David McBride?
Guys, enough with cancel culture.
According to the GDV 2020 annual report, the close to $1.5m in Jobkeeper was linked to Covid caused income losses from its NDIS scheme and fundraising.
So, it also earns income as an NDIS provider?
Not that hard a task, a very low bar.
Katter was incoherent. David Speers became increasingly frustrated with his extended ramblings.
It would make sense that they would be involved in the NDIS.
Balding people should not be allowed in power
Well, if we get Morrison we’ll get Pitt, too. Yet another reason to hope Morrison and Co get the bullet on 21 May.