Australian Politics, Mark II

Craig Kelly said Julia Banks should roll with the punches.
Kroger says politics is a rough business.

Chris Uhlman has the names of the three Liberal bullies.

Do you mean one other, or three others (in addition to Kelly and Kroger)?

I read an article before that talked about this. Written by a female who was speaking to all the female pollies in the Libs. They all said the same thing, the bullying and harassment they all copped by Dutton’s mob was beyond what should be expected int he workplace.

While it can be a brutal place and you need a think skin, there is no place for the amount of bullying that goes on. You do that in a normal work place and you would be sacked.


Is Julia Banks the one who said living on the $40 a day newstart was easy (or words to that effect)?

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Yes she is.

I will add though that she was left leaning in the Lib party overall but still Lib.

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ScuMo actually made Tony Abbott the Envoy for Indigenous affairs. :open_mouth: Jeezuz!

The Black community is apoplectic, … except one, … you guessed it, … Warren Mundine.

This would be fkn hilarious if it wasn’t so mind blowingly tragic.


And look at the treatment Husar got from NSW Labor. Albanese could have headed it off. It is noteworthy that in her interview with Leigh Sales she referred to the support she got from Shorten.

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Time for Gil and family to step up and increase their donations!

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Some are saying that Husar was not the victim here. Allegedly very unkind to staff and as much empathy as Skippy.

WestPac got $8.1 Billion profit last year, … and came in with a drop from that due to copping a hiding from the RC for ripping off Consumers & Customers, leading to a drop in share price.


Raise Interest rates on Mortgages and recoup those losses from struggling Home Buyers that they have just been proven to have ripped off, … leading to that profit loss.

No, … you’re not in the Twilight Zone. FMD. :roll_eyes:

The foul language and abuse that has been ongoing for public servants at the hands of some Ministers and their staffers is legendary. For one Minister we used to draw lots as to who would go to his office before Question Time.
Of course as public servants we never go public about it.

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My mate has had the office bin kicked at him a few times drom staff within the Minister’s office.

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i’m with a credit union who recently raised rates as well, so i wouldn’t assume it’s all to do with dodginess.

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Or you are with a dodgy credit union.

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Labor wouild have an answer to that, if they had the guts to do it. Make variable interest-rate mortgages illegal. That done, they could cap the maximum interest rate, too. If WestPac & co. scream about it, remind them of the Royal Commission, and jail a few of their shonky leaders.

Hell, the government gives out free grants to anybody and everybody: the car industry was an obvious example, and look how that’s ended. No such thing as a free lunch ? No more grants to any private company: if they want public money, they can pay for it with the equivalent in their equity.


Nationalise banking, energy and telco.

Fairly compensate reasonable shareholders.

Arrest the remainder.

Alter the media laws to cap cross-media and singular media ownership.

Problem solved.


I agree entirely, dingus — but I don’t think Labor would have the cojones. Last time Labor tried to nationalise the banks was 1949; Chiffley lost the general election and Pig Iron Bob was in for the next 17 years thanks to Santamaria’s (bowel) Movement and the Groupers. Doesn’t mean they shouldn’t try it again: they just need to be more ruthless than Chiffley was.

They’d certainly need to alter the media laws first: as well as stopping cros-media ownership they’d need to ban all foreign citizens from owning shares in Australian media. That’d put a stop to Bob Hawke’s mate, Rupert.

It’s all a pipe dream. The majority of the Labor Caucus aren’t going to do anything to put their nice cushy Canberra bludge-fest in jeopardy.

Think Perce that Labor understands that we live in a conservative democracy where you would never get majority agreement to nationalise much at all.

So it is not that Labor is not brave enough, it is that the people would not stand for it. I am happy for a ■■■■■■ revolution and am stockpiling ammo, but not sure that you and dingus are really on board.

Come the revolution comrade !

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The royal commission has and continues to expose examples of scumbaggery that has surprised even the most cynical observers and as a result, has seen the banks change the way its assesses lenders ability to service loans. They haven’t done this for our benefit. They have done this to make changing lenders difficult. Now that many will find that they can’t just take their business elsewhere, the banks have raised rates to maintain record profit margins and carry on like its business as usual.

It’s disgraceful behaviour and will only receive the routine tut-tutting from Morrison and co. He voted numerous times against the banking royal commission after all so we shouldn’t be surprised that he will do nothing.

A vote for the LNP is a vote for corporate exploitation.