Australian Politics, Mark II

Not a political thing man. The Libs are ■■■■■■ either way. And like i’ve said before, over half the population think this is a bad idea. Over half the population definitely aren’t voting for the Libs. Can you wrap your head around that? Or should i try to simplify it more for you?

Has the policy actually been released?

No. It’s been outlined but i imagine it will have to be watered down a little. They’ve indicated that all existing negatively geared properties will be grandfathered. So they will all eventually be fazed out as they either become profitable or are sold. I’m not sure about the rules surrounding new buildings etc etc.

So you’re bothered by poll results on a policy that hasn’t been released.
That’s quite silly.

You seem to be getting pretty involved too dude. If you’re going to be condescending try not to be a hypocrite at the same time.

It’s not a political thing, though: just a political poll-based thing.

That’s twice you’ve thrown the toys out of your cot over pesky little details.

I have an opinion on the issue.
Not quite seeing the hypocracy, nor the relevance to opinion polls on unreleased policy meaning two fifths of fark-all.

If we are having a serious conversation then how is it irrelevant to mention how the general public have said they feel on the topic? If it doesn’t match your opinion then you try to dismiss it, and answer in a condescending way. I am actually here for a discussion. I stated my opinion and have answered comments along the way.

Comments like: ‘Yawn’?
Jog on.

There’s no point polling on something before anyone understands what it actually is.
Hell, I might even be against it if it’s a crap proposal!

The yawn was in response to another comment you made that had zero substance. Just like every second thing you’ve said and all the little digs along the way.

If I didn’t know better, I’d almost suggest this is an old friend come back for a visit.

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I can assure you i’m just a new member who made the mistake of talking politics.


Our of interest, what’s your favourite Beatles song, Lance?

Can’t tell if you’re ■■■■■■■ with me or not. But it’s Come together. Why?

I had a girlfriend like that once.

But she was just a day tripper though my life.


Not getting the Tripper vibe myself.

Nowhere near abusive or arrogant enough.


So her favourite Beatles song was Ticket to Ride?


So the Hinchites are down to 2 with the erstwhile member breaking her solemn vow to the human headline inside 2 weeks. Mind you a week plus was a fair effort and I’m not sure how long Hinch’s sobriety pledge lasted.
Dan might ask her if she wants the speaker’s job, then he only needs 2 votes and he can sell his soul to Hinch at a lower price.


But why wouldn’t the downsized house or the new house the first homeowners want (guess that’s what you mean) be cheaper too?