Ben Roberts-Smith Laptop Repair Service

Good luck getting anything read from platters smashed into a few hundred pieces.

I’m just saying this is the place where I’d expect to find them. He’s a licenced killer. These are the people we(taxpayers) pay to literally kill people. If that doesn’t come with some collateral damage upstairs so to speak, I don’t know what does TBH.

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Username post combo.

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Wait, so your IT team hasn’t heard of full disk encryption and just prefers everything to be stored in cloud storage, which in Aus, isn’t particularly cheap atm.

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Don’t forget those Iranian kids reassembling all those shredded documents from the US embassy.

This can’t be any harder, surely. :wink:

Not sure

I turn my computer on.

Teams meetings 9-5

Turn my computer off.


the modern office job.

never watched officespace and the take down of the printer?

I can imagine letting loose on a troublesome laptop could offer some therapy.


Yes it is an unusual job with irregular tasks.

But again, RS is the exception, not the rule.

The great majority of Sf and ex Sf are balanced and manage to live their lives in the civvy world without issue.

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I can at least partially recall a 30 minute online data destruction briefing from 20 years ago. It does concern me that a decorated NCO SF soldier, who surely would have at least once received a similar briefing and more recently, and no doubt had a much higher security clearance than I ever had, has such a poor grasp of how to do it.

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I’m just saying if you wanted to find a guy like BRS, then the special forces is where you would find one.

I mean you really going to think this guys occupation is a gardener or a primary school teacher?

I’m not saying that @megz is a war criminal. But I’m also not saying that @megz is not a war criminal.


they’ll do it… bit by bit

mic drop


There are groups in Germany doing the same thing with Stasi files. The most challenging jigsaw puzzle around.

Psychopaths everywhere.

Problem is that this one is a bit more capable than most.

Better than doing a Hunter Biden I guess


Once upon a time - when the typists had to surrender the typewriter ribbons and carbon paper for destruction at the end of the day, disposed of in the office furnace, with accompanying stench.

don’t know whether to laugh or cringe


Hey, I took the hard drive out first!


It’s amazing what resources, time and ingenuity can do at government security level.