Bitcoin, and other tulips

Don’t stress, it’s all just because of Chinese New Year.

I’m certainly glad the good old $AU doesn’t jump around like this new fangled bitcoin currency thing. I kinda like knowing that the $5 notes I have in my pocket will buy me a coffee today and tomorrow.

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was an interesting night. stayed up til 2 ish in the morning. got some ether when it was below a grand.
woke up and it was up to 1.4 again.
then quickly went onto sites this morning and hopefully brought up some bargains.

the people i’ve started watching on youtbe and paying attention to where all the same, one even showed a graph how it’s happened the last 3 years around the exact same time.
people with big money in it dumping alot to panic the market, then buying on the low.

it is what it is.


I see Gram is back to 3c.

Which is not until 16th February :joy:

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Gotta admit I was freaking out a bit late last night. Wonder if it will grow back to new all-time highs, or not do as much with new regulations coming in around the world.

Yes, but in order to fund their festivities, they are all cashing out their crypto. Or so the story goes.

so ■■■■■■ about neo. was at 80 dollars last night, now back up to it’s 170.

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You snooze, you lose. I mean, quite literally.
And you’re taking this way too seriously.
Another one will come, if you’re into that sort of thing.
Three days ago it was gas, two days ago it was smartcash, yesterday it was Neo, tomorrow it will be something else.

So has anyone here sucessfully withdrawn their gainz?

"In 1928 in New York City, or so the story goes, John D. Rockefeller was having his shoes shined. The shoe shine boy, presumably not knowing who Rockefeller was, started giving him stock tips. J.D. took his shoe shine boy’s advice – but not in the way you’d expect.
He decided that if a shoe shine boy – making a penny a shine – was giving stock tips – it was time to get out of the market. He did – and it’s the reason his family was able to stave off the Depression, and continued to be one of the richest in our history.

My tip is find the simplest and poorest person you know. When they start discussing their Bitcoin investments, GET OUT of the market! Its worked twice for me for the crashes in the mid 80s and 90’s .


Having said that, could you make a twenty percent return in a day in 1929?
'Cos you can now.
On the second biggest coin on the market, not some junk stock.

Yes, I get it. It’s a bubble. Well done.
Some stock survives, even after the bubble bursts.

I haven’t made any gains yet!
But a guy at work has been taking out $50-$100 per week for the last six months.

correct to the bolded bit. i get it’s just play money to some, and i’ve definitely taken onboard the, accept you’ve lost it already mentality sort of stuff.

But i’d rather be prepared and know as much as i can, and if possible, make some money in the long run.

as an example, i’m sure the guys who invest in the normal stock markets know about their tax obligations, but how many just fiddling around in the crypto markets know theirs ?

and neo, nah just by the buzz around it, I guesstimated that once the downward spiral stopped and the market started going up again, that it’d go back up to around the same price it was.

but as i said, better to be as prepared as i can be. may not mean ■■■■ in the end, but eh.


A: A coin that’s jumped 100% in an hour.

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Yep…took half out, left half in. Once the currency was sold the AUD showed up in my BTC account immediately and transferred overnight to my bank account.

Agree with others here…its fun and interesting but am only playing with money I can afford to lose.


Interesting fact: The Dow was at the same level in 1935 as it was in 1925.

it’ll be interesting to see how it handles a bigger volume and bigger money coming out, if the markets blow up as they all hope i does.

as an example, if btc markets have on their lvl 1 or that a 8 grand withdrawal limit, and the 2 day wait to get your money into the account, i assume would be the same coming out.

So if you multiple people do make it big, and try and pull out their money, will be interesting to see how it copes.