Blitz Hobby Blitz - Interests? Passions? Pastimes?

Need to give you more than a like for that update.

I’d played a few times back around ‘90. Was a bit of fun, but we’d always get stick moving too slowly. And the DM would spend more time rolling his eye than rolling dice, at the wired ■■■■ we would want to do.

Is it all still just done on paper?

It depends. You can play it on paper and lots of people do. My regular game is all done remotely, using one of the several software platforms designed for that sort of thing. We got our old group back together during covid (except for that one guy who borrowed thousands of dollars off several of us last time, and then conveniently dropped out of contact), and obviously we couldn’t meet in person then. And now we all live in different far-flung corners of the city, the DM can’t drive, one guy has a very sick partner, and meeting in person got all a bit hard. Plus the software keeps track of a lot of stuff so you’re not fiddling around with pen and paper all the time any more.

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great summary. i’ve been trying to work out what the deal was and this has got my head around it.

mba holders are a plague upon humanity

Oh, and everyone on every D&D board is all of a sudden an expert on copyright and contract law, just like we saw a massive influx of expert virologists to Blitz a couple of years back…


D&D in my school days were only pen and paper. We had 3 / 4 stats (strength, hp and a few skills to disarm traps / open chests / dodge) and that was about it. Took the DM about an hour to make a new map. We used 2, 6 sided dice at most and went with that.

Also we had about 10 enemy types. I saw a monster guide book the other day with full on backstories and everything. Certainly a case of ‘how deep the rabbit hole goes’ these days.

Does anyone still play the basic of basic rule versions now?

I bought so much Call of Cthulu kit and never played.

There’s plenty of people who still play very old school. There’s an entire market of third party publishers producing that sort of stuff. The majority culture of the player base has moved towards a more story-heavy style though, detailed character backgrounds and motivations etc.

I’m guessing women’s armour is till surprisingly flimsy, sexy looking, and yet as surprisingly, effective as plate armour?

Not so much, surprisingly.

The new generation of players who’ve come along in the past decade or so are much more likely to be female than they were back in the 80s/90s (which leaves 90s-me cursing his luck for being born in the wrong decade), and while of course each group does their own thing in their home games, in the broader community that sort of thing seriously Does Not Fly any more.

I’ve seen complaints around here that Blitz is politically pretty lefty. Hoooo boy, you ain’t seen nothing compared to RPG culture. There’s of course exceptions, but the broader community has been really determinedly and assertively ‘woke’ (for want of a better word!) on gender, LGBTQ issues, race etc for years. Cheesecake art is a big no-no now.

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Cheesecake art?

You could have just said this and we would have understood.

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I was going to say ‘Google it’, but I tried it first and actually got drawings of literal dessert cheesecakes, with fruit and everything. Huh.

Pin-up type fantasy art, chainmail bikini art, etc etc. One illustrator became well known in the industry for actually tracing ■■■■ and then adding swords, monsters etc.

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It’s just younger.

That’s part of it, but not all of it. There’s a been a very strong ■■■■■/trans/otherwise nonconforming presence in the hobby since very early - it’s a game where you invent and take on a persona other than your public real-life one, after all, and people have always used it for exploring their own identity. But that’s another huge nerd history lesson post, which I’m not going to get sucked into typing. Mostly, it has to do with the vampires.


That makes a lot of sense.
A ‘world’ where you can be what you want to be is always going to be very accepting of trans, in particular.

I can’t be having with otherkin, though.
I’m sorry. I just can’t.

Building aeroplanes is mine. First was a Long EZ I started in Strathmore when I was 15 and finished in Seattle when I was 32, and now a highly modified Pitts S2.


That’s a very pretty machine you have there FB.


I play an appalling amount of Roblox. My two boys put us on to it and now the whole house plays it together.



That is seriously impressive!! :ok_hand:

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