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This topic is now a banner. It will appear at the top of every page until it is dismissed by the user.

Finally got back in. Email wasnā€™t playing nice, but all good now.

Mobile phone doesnā€™t wrap text. Need to scroll left/right to read whole post.

Is there a skip to end of thread function? Everything defaults to thread start.

Itā€™s taking a bit to get used to but iā€™m liking it so far. Fair bit of unused real estate on a monitor though.

Iā€™m liking it so far. Though still trying to work a few things out. Like how to quote.

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Made it.

Highlight what you want to quote and a ā€˜quoteā€™ button appears above what you highlight. Click that and BAM.

Yep, got it now, ta :slight_smile:

Was wondering tooā€¦ Thanks Soulnet.

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I like your new avatar Deckham. :slight_smile:

But havenā€™t we had enough change?


How do you mark all as read?

I did it by hitting Unread then scrolling all the way to the bottom (took a while), then there was a button to press. ā€œDismissā€ I think it was, just donā€™t hit the check box

Iā€™d assume thereā€™s an easier way though

Mobile phone issue happening for me too. Page width not adjusting in iPhone safari

Doesnā€™t look like profile names are sitting correctly on the mobile theme too.

Well done Riolo --Looks good & with a much broader range of features. My thanks to you for all the work which is very much appreciated.

Thanks again.

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Also having this problem

Works fine for me on iPhone in safari

Iā€™m waiting for first thread to have users with no profile pictures spell out a naughty word.

Canā€™t only be me right?


Thoughts so far:

  1. When do ads get removed?
  2. Is it just me, or are posts in a weird order? Is that just due to the import?
  3. I think Iā€™m going to like itā€¦

4. What drives the suggested topics at the end of a thread? They seem pretty random.
5. Hmm, seems reply works with some posts, but not with others?

I didnā€™t have the no-wrap problem until todayā€¦