Bomberblitz has Moved!

works great

what in the reverse porkies?

how do I quote?

search this thread for gif, splitround posted one showcasing a way.

Typical change responses:
20% keen to change
50% persuadable
30% actively against (8% may never convert)

You might want to pin the rules and stuff again. Theyā€™ve gone deep underground.

ah nice.

i join the ā€œi hate thingā€ group.

that scroll tool is the business.

I wanna change my username as well, suggestions please!

Mature rookie? Youā€™ve been pre for far too long.


Thanks MD

All ok, I thinkā€¦ changes will take a bit of getting used to.

It would be nice to have a FAQ section, on how the new features work.

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and once you have read it the first time, it will appear at the bottom of that menu, CJ

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Apparently this new website is so good it can even track your bathroom cycle, Iā€™m regular.

It must be Japanese designed, they love a new fandangled bathroom over there and have taken this sort of thing to a whole new level. Gee what will they think of next.

Has CJ even noticed features like Markdown formatting?

Donā€™t know what that is, so no, l havenā€™t noticed.

Okay I need to actually get some work done so Iā€™ll be off for a short whileā€¦


Youā€™re just going to abandon us in our time of need?

Testes. Testes. Ovaries and out.