Bomberblitz has Moved!

Yes. I really hated all the useful features on Vanilla and so figured it was in my best interests to upend everyone on Blitz for no specific reason. You’re correct.


You must be missing sarcastica font there CJ??, … new Blitz is raining features ,… it may even surpass Invision for them, … and that is really something

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Sorry if others have already asked and had solved. Is there a way on my pc and ipad to have the newest comments at the top, such that I scroll down to see older posts?

3 things.

  1. The search in thread function is amazing @Riolio

  2. There has been a stated intent for a move for months bordering in a year and there was a testing thread for a week.

  3. This has way more functionality.


@Riolio : change CJ’s name from Captain_Jack to Captain_Grumpypants.

Not sure if I’ve tested out the ban feature yet…


Swing that hammer…

Lol… (Gotta get rid of the 5 character rubbish)


I think this is the right thing to do, I can embed webms. Everything else is arbitrary.

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I like it.

Once the bugs are ironed out (I am also experiencing the lack of wrap text on mobile), I think it will be ace.

I must admit that I feel a bit lost without the categories being displayed on the home page, but that is nitpicking.


Bookmarking this link as, could help.

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It takes a while to get to know what the features are, what they can do, where to locate them. etc. That is why l said it seems like there are less. We get used to one format, then it changes. How many times has BBlitz changed its formatting? Six times, eight times? l know a couple of those were brought about by a couple of crashes, but each time it changes now, l am less inclined to go looking for the features, and what can and can’t be done.

I love the drop menu having links to all the sub forums. Is it possible to pin some favorite threads to that menu?

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This guy sounds even grumpier than the real CJ.

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Looks good, will take a little getting used to…

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Doesn’t work well on my Windows phone, but hey nothing works well on a Window phone


First 5 minutes = I hate it, why did they ■■■■■■ change it again, I hate it

5 - 10 minutes = Gee I like this new function, Oh I see if I do that it does this which is not that dissimilar to the old one, this new format isn’t too bad

10 minutes onward = No longer noticed it changed and back to normal avoidance of work and reading all the rubbish posted on BB


Lol feel your pain there, I was on a Windows phone for the last change (maybe two) and it was a nightmare at the beginning, would hate to think what it’s like for this one with all the functionality.

There is a simple fix for you however. :grin:

Alls good except this text wrap having to scroll right to read.

OK. I think I am in, although had to reset password. Testing to see what avatar comes up.

Thanks for your efforts riolo, the transfer seems to have gone fairly well.