Solar system (10.23kW) and heat pump hot water system (Apricus 260L) now installed. Solar is on but feed-in tariffs not yet enabled. Heat pump timer is set so that the unit heats water only between 9am-5pm. Seems to work fine. Have had evening baths followed by morning showers without running out of hot water.
I was just scrolling back to find when I constructed my outdoor decking and realised I’d missed this post.
That’s frigging diabolical, lol !! I hope you rang the nob that installed it and got him/her back.
We went with a 315L Sanden (I think that’s what it’s called) which has been installed about a week. It’s a tonne quieter than I thought it would be.
For winter, I thought I’d have to heat the water off peak, overnight, as the solar might. Or offer enough.
We have heat pump on Eco mode (reverse cycle only, no elec element) and scheduled 9-5 as mentioned. All good so far.
Is that with the in built controller, or an aftermarket set up? You just need to make sure the water is heated properly every day or two, for legionella killing purposes!
Sanden is top shelf.
Yes. Paid top dollar for it.
My mindset was actually to go cheap and cheerful electric, and just use it as a ‘battery’ to soak up the solar. Then upgrade to a heat pump in a few years once the tech was cheaper. I even installed a diverter to send surplus electric to the HWS.
But wife said ‘no, I have a better idea…’ so we got heat pump.
Do you mean my Apricus? On Eco setting, the built in controller heats to 60 degrees from a low threshold of 48 degrees. It runs from 9 to 5 daily
Was looking to help mum change her cooktop but this doesn’t look normal. Isn’t there supposed to be an on / off valve or something? Is it normally all brass like this?
That’s typical. The regulator valve is in the first pic.
Most gas is still done in copper.
So hopefully the new gas top has the connection in the same place. Then it’s unscrew, new tape thingy around and then reconnect right?
Oh, and i’ll turn off the mains gas before disconnecting
Get someone to do it.
I’ve done some of my own plumbing re water, but don’t chance the gas .
If anyone wants a cash job please dm me Job is in Aspendale.
Edit. Got someone.
Was thinking to build a mobile wood storage system for flat sheets and off cut 2*4s and things like that. Do you reckon with the sheets on the end like that I can build it as a 90 degree sort of frame like above (will have three or four shelves plus the cross braces) or do you think it may need angle support pieces to beef it up?
All up about 1.8m wide and the ends for sheet goods being 0.45m. Depth is 0.6m height probably close to 1.8m.
You’re gonna buy a heap of timber to build a trolley to store all the offcuts from your trolley.
Needs more beer.
Good choice.
What else do you do with a workshop? You build things for your tools, then for your wood
But, it’s a small work space and the wood takes up a lot of space so when you need to move it to get to stuff you need to rearrange the place cause you know what you need is always in the back.
Workshops need motorcycles , not shelves. Just saying.