Must watch The Royal Tenenbaums again. He was so good in that.
Crimson Tide will be getting a run tonight. Absolute cracker.
Police are hunting for a tall, grizzled, anglo Saxon man for questioning …
When Popeye goes to Marseille after Frog1 and is stunned that they don’t all speak English. It was so funny.
I loved Gene Hackman too, but 95. That’s a bloody good innings.
Bit of a worry though on his much younger missus and the dog. Doubt their number shoulda been up. That’s a tragedy.
This thing just gets weirder the more I read about it.
At first I was thinking CO poisoning, then I was thinking it was a Bill and Frank in The Last of Us type of situation. Now …
Weird that the employee who rang for help said that he couldn’t get to the bodies because the house was locked but the police said the front door was open.
Reckon he poisoned his wife and dog
There’s a lot of contradictory stories on this at the moment.
The cat dunnit.
You can never trust the cat!
Loved his aeroplanes. Had two Pitts specials. Had taste. (Photo with a Christen Eagle and Tom Poberezny from the mighty Experimental Aircraft Association)
Could seriously act.
That’s a long read but very interesting.
Gene Hackman was one of those rare actors who popped up everywhere and stole nearly every movie he was in
Had such a natural charisma.
Thats like you on Bomberblitz, exchange movie for thread, and delete the last line!