Climate Change in Australia (Part 1)

And since you’ve got me started, here’s my analysis (bit of a guess) of the prices yesterday.

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Thanks for that.

How can the price be so different though? From $ 8 to $54000 as reported just is hard to believe

On really high and abrupt demand spikes, there’s a degree of captive audience in effect.

In cases like yesterday when you have a sudden supply drop, you need fast despatchable power to cover the shortfall. This generally rules out coal as it takes too long to spin up another turbine to cover the immediate crisis. Solar is generally fully utilised already, as there’s a crapload of it being generated due to the weather, and as it’s cheap (and the excess currently can’t be stored) it tends to be the first cab off the rank. There isn’t enough wind capacity to make a huge difference right now. That normally means that the only possible source is gas, which can be brought online quickly. but gas is very expensive to start with, and also the people running the gas plants know that there’s nobody else to turn to and gouge the hell out of the NEM while they can. That’s capitalism for ya.

And as CBH’s graphs show, eventually more of the slow-response power comes online and the price drops cos the gas plants have more competition.

The hope is in the long run we have more storage (battery, pumped hydro, molten salt, whatever) that allows us to more effectively store the excess solar PV generated in lower-demand times and help push the prices down by letting dispatchable stored power compete with the gas generators in this sort of case.


Because cherry picking is convenient?

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Lucky the grid held up

Yeah glad we still had coal functional.

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I wouldn’t like to try and run a train system off it.

How many residences in Melbourne have 250 sq metres of roof space?How many can fit 27 Solar panels on their roofs?

Hospitals in conservation mode, industrial plants being paid to stop production, yeah, renewables are working out just fine.

As I have pointed out in the past the maximum I have received is 52Kw, the minimum 0.360Kw, unless I have a battery capable of storing electricity for 6 months it doesn’t work.

Do you make sure every high rise you enter has emergency power, the State may be able to survive with planned isolation but it only takes one overloaded circuit to blow the entire system. ie. New York.

Anyhow I am in the process of insulating myself from the Green idiots by installing a 10kw standby gas generator, good old fossil fuel to the rescue.

And the sun sets.

And we can’t have hydro because Labor and the Greens say the rivers need the water.

Maybe we can convert coal stations, cut down the forests for wood pellets like they did in Britain, of course there are no pellets to be had in Britain by at any price because of shortages caused by wet weather.
The general population use them to heat their houses .
Stiff cheddar for the working class.

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Good point, if only there was a way to capture the excess power that Solar captures in low usage periods to use at a later date.

■■■■, that would be amazing but it’s probably years away.

You have inadvertently highlighted the issue. Renewables are dependent on “a hope”. The reality is that coal works and warmists need to try and make the dots up in a join the dots picture with renewables. Unfortunately they don’t know where the dots go or even if there are any. Therefore what should look like an elephant (in the room) more closely resembles a dogshit that someone has stood on.
You know when the warmists talk about needing to cut power use and energy efficient homes, deep down they know it themselves.
Sadly you need to reply on multiple renewable sources due to the reliance on a source that you can’t control. Thats why batteries come in. Therefore what is sprouted as being cheap soon becomes an expensive and complex farce.


Exhibit A)

Exhibit B)

Exhibit c)

As expected you missed my point. But hey I can play the same silly game SA in the dark:
Exhibit F (fail):

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The technology to close down coal and replace it with a robust low-emission power system already exists. My ‘hope’ is that we one day have a government that is not so uttrerly captured by the fossil fuel lobby and its own looney conspiratorial science denialist fringe that it can address the issue in a meaningful way.

And coal ‘works’ for energy generation in the same way that cutting off your own limbs with a chainsaw ‘works’ as a weight loss strategy. It’s great if you’re willing to ignore the side effects…


Is Exhibit “A” a photograph or a video?

Got a picture of Exhibit "B’ at midnight?

Exhibit "C’ in Australia or elsewhere - just remember the words of Climate Change expert and icon Prof. Tim Flannery

“Even the rain that falls isn’t actually going to fill our dams and our river systems”

or was he wrong like every other climate expert.

Just remember last year Tasmania (the hydro State) was running on clean, green diesel power.

Already told that there are places in Europe that run 100% from renewables, in fact wind turbine and battery storage, but you just refuse to believe it.

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It was a photo, heres a video if you prefer

Strange request but ok

Tim Flannery is a Prof. in Palaeontology, he’s an expert in dinosaurs. He’s not my favourite Palaeontologist, that would be this guy


You can’t honestly think that we will continue to rely on fossil fuels forevermore. Why not support the inevitable transition so that it can happen sooner rather than later? Do you have a vested interest?

Coal worker/investor. No doubt at all.

I simply can’t accept anyone could be this ignorant, … Climate believer or not.

Your naivety is touching.

I have no doubt that ww honestly believes everything he/she posts in here. There are plenty of people who believe this way without any vested interest.

When the national standard of scientific education is profoundly mediocre, and the media does a terrible job of explaining science (especially when the entire Murdoch-owned portion of it is systematically and deliberately dishonest on AGW issues), it’s very easy for someone to believe the way WW does. Especially when, as WW has repeatedly demonstrated, they have no inclination to educate themselves by learning the basic science of AGW off their own bat.

Timothy Fridtjof “Tim” Flannery (born 28 January 1956) is an Australian mammalogist, palaeontologist, environmentalist and global warming activist. He was the Chief Commissioner of the Climate Commission, a Federal Government body providing information on climate change to the Australian public What was he on then? $500,000 year. After Abbott closed that scam down suckers like you set up an alternative fund funded by donations where he continued his good work at $365,000 a year for a 3 day working week. How much do you earn?

For his pet project he Rudd government awarded $90 million to Geodynamics to build a geothermal power plant in the Cooper Basin. Complete and utter dud.

Add to that the $10 billion in desal plants he convinced the gullible state governments to build and which your generation will be paying off forever. not my generation, YOURS!