Connection to Fans

How do I find out if Essendon is training tomorrow?

I have a day off which never happens and want to take my young son down.

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Remember the days when the club used to advertise training times? Good times.


Have you called the club?

I thought I heard the bowls club were sorted, but the cricket club weren’t. Could be wrong.

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I want them focussed about both football and members. I don’t get this ‘we should just focus on football’ thing.

We have a commercial team and the Board should be focussed on being exceptional both on field and off field. Like Richmond as an example. Like Collingwood, Geelong etc.

They shouldn’t be viewed as one or the other. We have a perception that the club has been too commercially focussed because it’s made poor decisions in football for years and has in the past been strong commercially, leading the industry in many commercial metrics, especially given failure in football. This has led fans to perceive Club values commercial outcomes at expense of football.

It shouldn’t be about switching focus away from commercial as such. Rather, football needs greater focus by fixing areas of chronic failure (Eg: development, injury, fitness etc) whilst commercial team maintain their lazer like focus whilst dedicating its focus more on reconnecting with fans.

We don’t want to overextend on this focus away from commercial to football. Vozzo has great footy background which is pleasing but he hasn’t much commercial experience meaning he will need to be skilled at hiring great commercial people beneath him to run membership, sponsorship etc. if he isn’t picking great commercial people the business will suffer and all of a sudden we may see problems arise balancing the books. In this respect, redeveloping Windy Hill and putting seats on the outer wing (!) becomes a task they can’t afford…


if most memebers what to feel valued by the club, they’d have stopped being a member ALONG time ago.
members want success, and stay members during the rough times to use it as some sort of badge of honour to hold against others when the tide turns, somehow thinking they get an extra special reward the next time the club wins a flag.

essential services versus a non for profit sports club is vastly different in expectations.

and it’s not as if there’s no “fan engagement” so it’s not as if they’ve shut up shop til feb/march.

seems to be people want the club to waste money on seating for a whole bunch of supporters to go to training, of which you’ll get less than 50 odd regulars who turn up on a regular basis, to feel the club “values” you on the OFF chance some more supporters decide to randomly go to training every now and again …

but again what other than seats at tulla, would constitute more “fan engagement” ?
what exactly is it that people want as "fan engagement " ? esp in early december ?

people don’t seem to actually know what they want, other than in 3 months since the findings were done, that the problems should be solved.

Im sure you could have a duzza with stants!

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This is where we will disagree.

And tbf we have opposite perspectives on politics, so it’s not unexpected that we’d have opposing views on how a football club should service a community.

You: smaller footballer club, without all the bells and whistles that provide community & membership services. But provide a high functioning football department.

Me: large football club, which services the community holistically on many social issues. While also providing a high functioning football department .

Same as we want our governments.


In promising signs, I’m hearing there’s going to be a Christmas Open Training. We can expect details later this week.


Wed 14th at 2pm

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Glad to hear they are doing something but couldn’t they just hold it at 4pm to allow for school kids to get there? Or do a Saturday morning.


Most kids on holidays then? At least they’re doing a session. That’s welcome progress.

For private schools I think so. But you’re right it is better than nothing.

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I think it’s terrific. Out of that usually comes the stories, interviews and a week of fodder on the socials. Great for the kids to get a Bomber fix just before Christmas. As long as they don’t need to sit down around the ground @Begbie :smile::thinking::man_facepalming::chair:

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The football department focuses on football.
The marketing Dept don’t have to. They should focus on fan engagement.

No over 60s with bad hips should bother coming along haha


and how do the marketing department focus on fan engagement ? don’t think anyones actually mentioned ideas yet.
but um you know don’t they have to use the football department ? you know the players/coaches at some point as i don’t think fans want to engage with the marketing department people.

So here’s some Insta snaps from Tigers open training today out at Cardinia. I wasn’t st our open session last week however from photos it appears a much bigger turnout at Tigers day today and more interaction between players and fans (kids clinic etc). I still think we have a way to go to open ourselves up as a Club to our fans, especially our younger ones. The Tigers do a great job at this stuff.

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Recent Flags have a huge reason behind turn out.

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Yes… But that doesn’t explain the apparent length they’ve gone to ensure the kids have the best possible experience, with the clinic providing enhanced interaction with their favourite players.

They’re doing a good job. Essendon could learn a from its competitors as the last decade has probably demonstrated, it more than any club needs to go greater lengths to retain and grow its fanbase and youthful following…. It really has a job on its hands reconnecting with its junior cohort. I hear it and see it everywhere.

I can’t believe after that 20+ years of the Sheedy era I’d be saying all this! Essendon for two decades led the way.