


Rump steak with cauliflower purée, broccolini and chimmichurri sauce. Probably my favourite sauce to have on a steak! It was made with chillies from my garden.

I also made a habanero sweet chilli sauce today. Probably more chilli than sweet, but damn good!


Only thing I’d change is your quality of Chimi Churri - I like great big spoonfuls of it…

Habaneros might be a touch hot for me. I have lots of bishops hats and Rocotos on the way right now- hoping the fruit fly leaves them alone.

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I definitely loaded it up after taking a photo :laughing:

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Made this for lunch. Nothing fancy just a left over rissole and taco ingredients with a splooge of sour cream. Tasted heaps better than the OG El Macos.


chimmichurri is the best on steaks. i drown them in it.

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Made some pinwheels a couple of days ago.
They lasted less than 24 hours.

First attempt. I don’t cook much.


This is our go to for steak. Jamie’s salsa laverde.

It is sooo good. I even have it on poached eggs.


What are your go-to’s for pinwheel fillings? And what temperature do you cook them at (I find it’s a delicate balance - too low the middle pastry isn’t quite cooked, too high the passata burns…)?

That was my first go, but I think they turned out alright.
It’s just bacon, home brand shredded tasty cheese, and tomato chutney, oh…and egg glaze.
You can probably see I overegged the egg on some of them, but that’s still tasty.
I think I put them in at about 200C?

Very much just whack it together. Not a doctor.

Nurse humour

Not really cooking but harvested some honey today. About 40 kg. Kept one frame that had no wax foundation for cut comb.

Woollies charges 11.50 for 150g in a little placcy tub. This 500 ml takeaway container is about 700 g (honey is quite dense).


Omg that’s amazing

Business Name time.
How about…

Dave’s Bee-licious Honey

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Dave’s Sweet Beezness.

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Haha plenty of vultures in my family - no call for business! I actually don’t eat much honey myself. I make sourdough which I also try not to eat too much. Comb honey on buttered light rye SD toast is pretty ace - but if I ate that daily I’d be a blimp!


You should make honey icecream

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Probably! I do eat Greek yoghurt with honey drizzled as an occasional treat.


Good quality honey is expensive.
I bought this stuff recently and it tastes amazing.
So it should 500g for $42 (+ Shipping).

Geez it’s nice mixing 1 teaspoon into a glass of A2 Milk with a dash of cinnamon…