COVID-19 Round 14 - tiering into the abyss

Journo asks what about that Biopharma article ?

  • PM says not aware of article, but sounds like social chatter over a cup of tea
  • the alternative line to I don’t accept the premise of your Q , or I don’t recall

Bye for now.

Unless his traffic control bat was made in Wuhan.

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What did you think of the PM’s presser today, you know, the one who actually makes the decisions?

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I dispute the premise


how? i would have thought he’d be apprehensive about women leaving the house at the best of times

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Take it to the Red and Black Humour thread.

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I guess it’s a race after all?


But you do express the pain of grand final loss by sharting in a corporate house of mass slaughter and deforestation, do you want fries with that?

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ABC journo does a zoom interview with Afghan refugee in SW Sydney, asking how they are coping linguistically and culturally

  • he was beyond gold standard , highly articulate and undeterred by his 2yo throwing a tantrum during the interview.

@Humble_NSW_Fan will be happy to know ScoMo says “these supplies is there” (Great grammar).

I guess NSW doesn’t need to steal from regional supplies then?


I’d be suffering too if I only had an uninterrupted income of $500,000 and several acres of prime waterfront gardens to lounge around in.


What do you think of Gladys fashion sense?

  • for me so far, gold standard in a mixed gender field, although she could try the less sculptured occasionally

Its impossible to talk about the situation and or the inept measures that the NSW governemt has and is implementing and not pass commentary on the leader and her breathtaling hypocricy and contradictions. These things are related and cant be left out of any disucssion on the measures or lack therof they are taking, the daily figures, the so call strategy


With covid fragments just found in the sewage at Molong, I hope the decision to take regional nsw Pfizer supply doesn’t backfire.

There simply isn’t enough to go round.

It’s robbing Peter to pay Paul.

Maybe he could dilute it, like cordial, and stretch it out a bit more?


It will be interesting to know if the testing drive through guy was fully vaccinated. You’d bloody well hope he was, doing the role he had.

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Depends how old he was.

You would think at this stage of the game it would be a condition of employment in such a role.

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It’s funny how often our expectations of where we should be at this stage of the game are not met.
It wouldn’t surprise me if he wasn’t.


Didn’t see it. The whole process has been an almighty farkup, and the “medical experts” have more than made their contribution to it. The pollies have been reluctant to “go against” the “experts”, although at least Scomo finally “called out” ATAGI over AZ. It’s strange how the poms vaccinated tens of millions of citizens, including 18 to 60yr olds, and there was no melt down by their “medical experts” , yet here in Australia, we had intellectual giants like the chief medical officer in Queensland basically saying that to use AZ on under 40 yr olds was tantamount to murder. (Hiding behind the fact that there were fewer covid cases in Aust is no excuse.) These ATAGI farkers couldn’t understand covids potential to become more deadly, so made recommendations based on looking in the rear vision mirror. Dopy tools. Its as much on their heads that vaccination take up is as low as it is