COVID-19 Round 18 - Dan Dictates you must get back to doing the things you love

Ventilation is probably a better, or at least equivalent option, and on hot days, an evaporative aircon is probably ideal.

Air purifiers are probably most applicable when it’s too hot or cold outside to adequately ventilate.

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The first “oh the South African’s were right” article out of the UK….

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Wait hasn’t that been known pretty much since Omicron day 1?

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Seth Efrika has a couple of things in its favor unlike the US:

  1. A younger population
  2. Much lower prevalence of obesity

I would hate for the unvaccinated to see “milder” and go yeah, that applies to me.


There was much denial of the South African data from the UK at first - “we can’t be sure and need to wait and see.”


If a person is already stupid enough to voluntarily avoid vaccination then I couldn’t give two ■■■■■ about what that person thinks.
For the small minority of people who can’t get the vaccine and are at risk, then they’re in the same position now as they’ve always been and always will be. And hopefully this is milder for them as well, given they can’t be protected by the vaccine.



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True, although the Danes seemed to come around to believing it earlier.

With an element of “well it is not a first world health system, so we can’t possibly believe their data” to it as well - from all countries.

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then you’ve got cheeky little fkers like ebola that hate conforming

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source: xkcd: Rapid Test Results


which one says you’re pregnant?


Good morning.

I have a clear sense of purpose after the Nat Cab meeting yesterday. Enough of the heavy hand!

I have a renewed sense of exercising my own personal responsibility.

I am also going to act as an adult.

I may or may not wear a mask inside.

I will be applying sunscreen, even though there isn’t a mandate.

What could possibly go wrong with information and leadership like this?

Have a great day.



Welcome to Bump Thursday.

Who’s got the bag?

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I nearly threw the shifty looking bloke sitting next to me out of the aircraft at 40,000 feet when he announced “I have omicrom onboard”. Fears were allayed when it was revealed that what he actually said was, “I have atombomb onboard”.

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Interesting video from Dr John Campbell today commenting on the Australian protocol. Well worth watching, particularly the reference to the two types of antibodies.

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Might need to be checked against candle sales figures. The trend looks more seasonal than correlated with covid waves

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If they just stuck to glasshouse candles they wouldn’t have these problems.