COVID-19 Round 19 - Stick a Forklift in it

If you’re an essential service that has been designated, then boosters are necessary.

If you’re not, do you even have the right to ask employees what their booster status is?

I figure if it isn’t mandated, like double vax is, then the company has no right to access employee’s medical data.

Companies can set their own mandates. As I’ve mentioned before my wife’s work is mandated for double vaxxed and looking at bringing in third dose mandate soon.

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Aren’t they doing it now with the number of green ticks, also every non retail for access?
Three green ticks to signify fully vaxed.

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Tassie Govt looking into ending mandatory QR check in


Good. Waste of time.

Can’t see the point here for retail, following redefining close contact , in my hood, not honoured much anymore.

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Apparently we are classed as an “essential service” as a telco.

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Yeah get rid of it, not enough do it to justify it.

I though The Conversation article was pertinent information.

The tricky part then comes when you think you may have been positive, but don’t have a positive result to confirm.

The specifics are in the asterisk for the tables. 3rd primary dose is the 3rd dose that the immunocompromised received. Booster is what others received


As to one partner getting infected the other not, anecdotal from friends. Both about as sick as each other, she kept being tested -ve, he +ve.
Docs followed through, she had bad bronchitis, no Covid.

How many people said “you can shove this job up your…”?

Schools are used for other vaccines- well they have been historically.

In the midst of a pandemic when HCW are stretched thin?

Fed Public Service dept told this arvo to stay WFH til 28Feb


There has been pressure by Lord Mayor and CBD hospo/retail to get workers back to the office


My point is rather than having kids and parents travel all over the place getting vaccinated, governments could have had mobile jab teams formed and set to move between schools. Hardly very different to the government vaccine centres.


Yep. There’s a lot of people out of work because of how dead the CBD is.

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There’s been over two million reported cases in the last month.

Also, on Monday, ATAGI guidelines changed and now state that vaccination can be deferred for up to four months post PCR-confirmed SARS-CoV2 infection. It’s not abundantly clear whether this relates to the first dose or any dose. But deferral of doses has to be done via the AIR, so I presume it could be handled like any other medical exemption - just that it eventually expires.

And yes, I can see the clear flaw in one of those requirements for many people…