Covid19 facts thread

It wasn’t clear from the article.

To my reading, the article implied most had left and only a few remained.

Someone (sorry I can’t remember who or find the original post in the covid thread) asked about where our cases came from.

It would get lost in the big thread so posting here. The data is from

So, consistent with the sequence data posted earlier, most cases come from US and Europe sources, and from cruise ships which were probably likewise.

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Maybe this should be in the science thread but Electron Microscopy (EM) has been my field for my entire life. Good to see it playing a major role :


This site is worth bookmarking.

How come you left out deaths by gunshot?
Does that stuff up your graph by making all the other figures essentially look like zero?


Yes - about 30-35k firearm deaths per year, so 3,000 a month


These are official CDC figures. I recall reading years ago that the NRA got the Republicans to make a law to prevent the CDC investigating gun deaths as a health hazard. So I guess that is why the CDC would not list them.

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That graph looks like a gun. (subliminal reminder)

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Could the increased death rate in the NY area compared to other parts of the US be due to a more lethal strain there?

Genetic data provides some support that this is the case.

The dots here indicate where the viruses isolated in Washington state sit on the “covid19 family tree”


And this is how the NY isolates sit:


So NY has almost exclusively isolates of one of the strain whereas the west coast has about equal numbers of two of the major strains.


New York data.

Death rate is a lagging indicator, so the place that got infected first will show a higher death. It can take up to 40 days to pass away, many places have only just started their journey. As time goes on, it should even out.

Factors that interact with the death rate are community health issues, age demographics and overwhelming of hospitals. I haven’t seen anything about strains of the virus, but it wouldn’t surprise me if the thing mutated again. The sheer volume of patients means there’s plenty of opportunity for the virus to mutate.

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Yes, that’s why I only compared NY with Washington (where it the first US cases were identified, even though those researchers got a cease-and-desist message from the Feds).


Aussie academic immunologist working in Massachusetts, Dr Erin Bromage has a blog . In particular his post summarises ( and links to source) some of the superspreader events analysis he has collated. It makes interesting reading. It makes the point about the integrated dose, but warns of the serious dangers of coughs and sneezes, and singing ( heavy breathing) in confined spaces.

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Posted this in the main thread but worth putting it here too.

Maybe he only saves the ones who also follow science. A quick search shows there are a lot of believers who should be nominated for Darwin awards:

And others not up for Darwin awards necessarily:

Fact. neither Jesus, nor any other god will protect you from Corona Virus any more then they will protect you from any other disease. Those who go to church die of all the same diseases that non believers do. Its brutal, its perhaps not what believers like to believe, but there it is. Sorry.

But believers go to heaven, some religions with special benefits.

Actually, it has been known for a few hundred years that nuns had significantly lower rates of cervical cancer.

This observation led to the current vaccine.


Do they have higher rates of breast cancer?

Astute question. Yes they do.


Over the last couple of weeks, the US is getting about the same number of cases (over 20,000/day) but the official number of deaths has declined. Many think this is because covid deaths are not being recorded.

As the Trumcompoop says, if you don’t test you don’t have cases.

The Washington post investigated this and estimated official deaths are probably underestimating actual covid deaths by 40%.

But this was a couple of weeks ago, so the unofficial death rate is probably much higher now.


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