Crichton Medal 2019

What the hell is going on with X’s eye?

Care to elaborate?

“half a mock spray”

so orazio tried to crack a joke with him and Tom is trying to turn this into a headline?

should just bar this absolute tabloid ■■■■■■■ from all club events


It’s got me ■■■■■■ how much these media idiots think it’s all about them.

Tweet has been subsequently deleted…

Why do they let these clowns in? They are a disgrace and an embarrassment to the term ‘communication specialist’


Did X just say “Bullshit” in his speech??


X filling in some of the missing bits of the Business Plan.

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Yep, then he blushed.

X sounds like he doesn’t even believe his own BS anymore

what’s he talking about?

X could send the room to sleep if he continued I reckon

Looking forward to woosha’s speech

Mock spray as in “fark off you ■■■■■■”

If he didn’t say ‘finish your to rep and…’ it’s fake news

Please play moz round 1 next year



How many times will “learnings” be said? I can’t wait to hear Truck speak.

What did X actually talk about/say?

Basically loves the new sponsor and stated that we improved in 2019 and premierships are our goals blah, blah, blah. Nothing new.

Well considering most people in here have been bagging the crap out of him not saying anything about winning GF’s, then that is something new.