Playing pool what is the correct way to play a penalty / “2 shots”?
If you pocket your first shot do you still have 2 shots or just the one (unless you continue pocketing)?
Victorian rules are 2 shots from a penalty and you carry the 2 until you miss one, then back to 1 shot left unless you go in off or foul; then you’re farked
In other states (and countries) you will find variations on the correct rules such as “one shot ball in hand” when a foul is committed. It’s a very good advantage to have, you can place the white ball wherever you like.
Plus don’t you have to call the pocket you are going to hit the ball into, or it doesn’t count?
Can’t just blaze away drunkenly and hope for one to go in.
Used Uber and it offered me the pooling option, for a small discount.
Has anyone ever used it and how does it work?
After trying to keep up with the trade posts, and not successful, I wondered if most blitzers are either on the dole, retired or just bludging on their boss. Seems like a few familiar faces are on here practically all the time. Are they the famous bots?
Yes that’s correct, someposterrs here are inded famous famous bots.
Yeah, I’m a bot. Got a spare ciggy, mate?
Great point!
There is a guy who has started working in the office with one arm half amputated. I’d like to know the back story. Can i directly ask him which would be my usual approach but is that poor form?
Of course not. As with everything it depends on how you ask. “Are you comfortable sharing” Is a good place to start… might be yes, might be no … either way you’ve cleared the elephant in the room.
Can you be my life coach
“Could you give me a hand” not the way to start.
It wouldn’t be beyond me to start the conversation that way.
Like anyone with a permanent physical impairment, he’s probably been asked that umpteen times.
Just going on my experience doing rehab after an accident, along with others who had permanent impairments, we all shared what we could and couldn’t do to adapt, including basic things like opening jars with one hand. Some expressed frustration at people asking them how they acquired the impairment.
You could mention your spine problems, what you can’t do and how you had to adapt. Might give him an opening to volunteer,
I’ve made that mistake.
I worked with someone (else) that had a physical limitation, told me years later that she appreciated the fact that when everyone else asked her about it, I never did.
It will be a harmless question so he should be ok with it.
Probably prefers to be left alone.
Leave it be. They know everyone wants to know what happened, and will be sick to death answering the same questions. Like, it’s ok for the first 1000 times, but it gets a bit tiring after that.
They’ll explain what happened when they’re good and ready. If they want to, that is.
So he asked me who i barracked for after learning I grew up in Melbourne. Honestly felt like admitting a secret shame. Turns out he barracks for the Saints and we commiserated over a shared shame. He said he had better skills than half his team and then laughed and told me about his arm - Congenital amputation.
Great bloke, doesn’t mind people asking. He said it’s better just to chat about it then have people just stare.