England: Return of the sausages

I want to be…well…not excited, but mildly enthused.

But…centre left.
Instead of far right.

If there’s anything ‘left’ at all about Starmer’s Labour and their proposed policies, even centre-left, I must have missed it.

Centre-right at best.


As a soon to be property owner in the UK I’m keen to see how this mob goes compared to rabble that was running the show.

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He will neolib away all the goodwill he has right now. Two terms at most.

Running on fixing the NHS is pretty wild, though.
They won’t do it. But maybe they’ll put a tourniquet on it.
They might…might…not push policy that is the opposite of common sense, or what people want, or what needs to happen.

But geez they seem like slightly less worse that get a go only because of ten years of abject failure from their opponents.

But we’ll see.
Big majority gives carte blanche for bold decisions, and quickly, so it shouldn’t take long to tell if they’re an actual alternative or just more of the same.

Edit: yes, I’m weary of left wing parties abandoning their principles in a vain attempt to cling to power, watching the right make the bold moves they once made, and throwing their hands up and saying…well, this is obviously what people want.




Yeah, that sounds like a winning strategy.

Very early results.

No, Labor are not going to win 100% of the seats, and Deform have not replaced the Tories.


Lib Democrats don’t appear to have performed as well as predicted by some as the silver medalists?

Wot? The Conservatives saying they should not have Conserved their Conservativeness…?



For the Naive, is this a good thing? Is this a left leaning Government coming in?

Not really, seem very centrist

Although HM probably has more info on that.


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Not IMO. Centrist with nods to the Right, identifying with Blair New Labour philosophy.

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In the long run, it’ll work for them.

Starmer’s committed to solving the problems the Tories created by continuing the same Tory policies that created the problems.

When things don’t get better ((and given the media over there is even more nakedly right-wing than ours), he’ll come under pressure and eventually the Tories will get in again, and by then the Overton window has moved so far right that even Tory policies that seem loopy nowadays will sound relatively familiar and reasonable to a lot of people. Exactly the same way you ended up with the ALP here running on Howard’s policy platform, and the LNP running in Hanson’s.


Lib Dems are currently equal silver medallists. The above voting numbers are tainted by some (types of) seats being counted earlier (as here).

The voting numbers above are not progressive across the country – they are 8 seats fully counted, and no votes from anywhere else.

BBC now up to 14 seats declared:

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I know it’s early, but don’t these figures suggest Reform is outpacing the Tories?

I’m getting old, so some…things I’ve heard come back.

This is…probably thirty years ago I heard this.

When it goes wrong, some people will say we went too hard, and some people will say we didn’t go hard enough.


See post above.

Similarly, don’t simply extrapolate the below:

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