Game of Thrones TV show mega thread

Certainly confirms that it’s an American production.

I was thinking about this one…the bodies of those who died at Winterfell wouldn’t have had time to rot unlike the longer serving members of the Night King’s army.
So although they came back to life (like Lyanna Mormont), their bodies were still intact and in need of burning.

Do they even need to be burnt anymore? No one is around to zombify them

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True but the Northerners are very set in their ways. That entire first scene felt like we were. back with the Nights Watch.

What else are they going to do just leave them out?

What Tyrion should have said to Qyburn when he said that Cersei was his queen too:
“I don’t know if anyone has pointed this out before, but by what right did Cersei claim the throne in the first place? She was only queen because she was married to the king, not queen in her own right. Then her sons became kings, but in no way should the crown have passed to her at all.”

Boom! (Mic drop.)




The whole Euron character sucks.

How many times can he get away with an unexpected ambush that takes players off the map. I think it’s 3 times now, lazy writing.

“So how do we deafeat x”

“hmmm how about Euron ambushes them”

“dang, that’s genius”


Eurine is just there to p i s s everyone off.

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And they’ve spent no time explaining how or why he’s this unstoppable super force, worthy of being a major player in the end game.

He just… is.

I’m not a book reader, but I know book readers friggin hate the TV version of Euron.

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This wouldn’t work at all.

They don’t have microphones.

Only Starbucks.


This is in the opening credits this season

So either there is a 4th dragon or Drogon has babies.

I just noticed this

Maybe it’s meant to represent Daenarys.

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Game of Throoooones
That’s my gaaaaaaame
Verse me if you daaaare
(There are dragons, and an ice king, who makes zombies, but they’re dead now…)

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Too late for 4th dragon. Unless they can find a spare one in Valyria. I had been thinking they might find another egg somewhere, but it’s all too late.

It’s too late for anything really. 2 episodes left.

Next episode the battle for kings landing.

Then the aftermath and farewell.

Not expecting any big twists outside of who dies in the next battle.

Yeah I’ve noticed a bit of hate. In the book it’s sort of explained how he’s this unstoppable badass. He’s been around, he’s got his blue lips like those other weirdo priest guys amongst other things.

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I heard a theory that the dragons can change sex. Maybe the Drogon has done the old switcharoo and got knocked up by his/her brother in true Targaryen style.

Seems like a lot of pregnancy related themes and theories are out there. It will be interesting to see if this amounts to anything in the last two episodes.

Who did knock Cersei up, I’ve forgotten was it Jamie?

Isn’t the Big Fourth Dragon just a reference to Daenerys?