Game of Thrones TV show mega thread

We’re going to ignore that Winter is 4 days away in the North?

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Lol, that was my first thought too. It’s only “cryptic” if you ignore the literal truth.

If the DBs aren’t involved im in.

I’m not sure who needs to more harshly sequestered away during lockdown: the TV writers completely re-doing the last couple of seasons, or Martin to actually finish a freaking book after nine years!?

Actually, either way, Martin needs to be locked up alone on the International Space Station or similar. Doesn’t strike me as the type who’d fare too well with Covid.


The TV writers. The last 2 seasons should have been full length, not truncated. The last season in particuar felt rushed, which is a bit of pity as the first 6 seasons were the best TV l have ever seen.


Quite humorous from The Witcher showrunner:

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But but but there were no dragons :cry:

I find the Targaryens to be the least interesting major house (other than the Greyjoys, of course) in the books. There is literally a 100 other possible spin-offs based on GRRM’s work that i’d prefer to see. I’m still waiting for him to release the final two books (ha!) so that the last 3 seasons of the show scraped from the records and remade accordingly.

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Need an Arthur Dayne series.

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Needs to either shut up and finish the books, or else stop pretending that he’s ever going to.


tied himself into knots over those last two books, introduced too many plot threads to resolve in 3 books let alone the 2 planned. I do believe Winds of Winter is well into its final editing phase and will come out next year.

i’ll probably watch it but fully understand those saying get ■■■■■■ after the ■■■■■■■■■■■ of season 8 and GRRMs lies

Not sure I want to read book 8. It’s been way too long since I read the last one, then trying to remember who all the additional characters not in the show are and why the plots are different.

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Ladies, welcome to the dark ages


I started re-reading them in anticipation for the release of the next one so I could get a handle all the plot lines and lore again. Absolutely breezed through GoT & Clash, am not looking forward to ploughing through AFFC’s again however (all those Greyjoys…) but from memory ADOD was pretty good, if not a mess plot wise?


I reread those books religiously when they first came out. There was so much depth and rereadability in them. But when book 1 first came out i was in HIGH SCHOOL.

I used to reread all the previous books whenever a new one was about to be released, just so it’d all be fresh in my mind. But it’s been a quarter of my life since the last book was released, and the last book just introduced more characters and more subplot and more complexity and didn’t resolve even one tiny little thing.

GRRM doesn’t owe me anything, but I don’t owe him anything either (but he’s a zillionaire now and doesn’t care anyway). I might pick up book 6 after the final book (whether that’s book 7 or 8 or 9…) is released and i know i’ll actually be able to ever read the end of the story. But to be honest, times have changed and my tastes have changed, and i care less now. I’m less impressed by grimdark than i used to be back in the late 90s when GRRM still wrote multiple books a decade. And many of the writers inspired by GRRM have burned me out on what ASoIaF was all about.

What I have heard (and this does make me cranky with Martin) is that publishers are much more reluctant now to take a chance on new writers with multi-book series. Because ‘book 1’ doesn’t sell like it used to. Booksellers and authors are hearing from sci-fi/fantasy readers ‘I got burnt by ASoIaF, now i only start reading a series once it’s complete’. And publishers generally only buy book 2 if book 1 sold well, so that means a lot of authors get left hanging.


I loved the books, then loved the series, but I think I am the same as the general sentiment in the thread. I’ll probably read the next book if it ever gets printed but no longer care much at all. I may watch the series, maybe. Kind of moved on, and I don’t think they can re-capture the spark.

I’m hanging out to read the final The Expanse novel though. Love that series.


Wait, so based on that preview fashion hasn’t changed in a 200 year period. Gees what sort of fantasy world are we working with here….

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I loved the books and the show. I did a re-read but have to admit certain plotlines lose their relevance once when you know they are a red herring.

Having said that I think a lot of people are in a rush to find out what happens, and so they devour/skim the books and get frustrated by flowery descriptions of landscapes, clothes and food, not to mention dialogue that helps you know the characters and their points of view. I know I did. So pumped to get ADWD after 6? years I think I read all 1300 pages in about five days, when really I think it would’ve been best enjoyed over a month.
If you want to immerse yourself in a different world these books are perfect.
More than anything I just want the series to be finished. I will read the remaining books as they come out but I probably won’t do a full re-read until probably five years after the last books come out.