General Australian news

Thanks for the response I’d imagine it would be a crazy job to be in situations like that trying to manage them but also having to manage a sense of self preservation


Look at some of the footage of her. She isn’t hurting anyone, let alone a 120kg police officer.

Obviously people are different, but the heart-ache of my Mum really affected our family. At times she was her normal sweet self.

Yeah that’s fine. But again, look at the footage of the woman. Even if she’s ■■■■■■ off, at worst she is leaving a scratch mark on you.

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I watched all I could find, doesn’t seem to show anything.

You believe whatever you want, sad event for everyone.

Didnt jones also whip up the cronulla riots? Evil POS hope he goes down very hard during this trial. Even if he escapes prison which he will, these people thrive on ego and self imprtance and this will trash his reputation forever to his grave
Despicable human being

It shows a totally feeble woman who would struggle to cause any harm to anyone.

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I remember the last sitting day of Parliament, after Gillard was deposed. She was sitting by herself on the back bench, no one acknowledging her.
It was one of those days when the vales were given to retiring members.
It took Rob Oakeshott, an Independent, to give her a valedictory. In doing so, he said ‘Your father would be proud of you.’
( She teared up).


I hope I never have to make the call to shoot or taser a 95 year old. But there’s no planet on which this was a sensible option for the police to take. If that’s what they’re trained to do, it might be hard to not follow procedure, but cmon, I bet he’s been in much worse situations than that and not tasered someone.

One of the girls in Thailand has died from the methanol poisoning. So sad. I only ever drink from bottled or canned drinks in SE Asia. Such a costly outcome for someone so young.

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You would.(need to be there…agree)

But still a 95 yr old with a walking frame is hardy moving at a rate of knots.

Surely its much easier to subdue/disarm that person than a normal able bodied person.

There would have been evidence about the lead up to the cops being called and the reason why they were called. I haven’t seen much reporting on that score, but it is reasonable to assume she wasn’t considered harmless.

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Extremely sad news.

Cue the Herald Sun blaming Dan Andrews.


Very sad news.

I hope they find the pond scum responsible.


Various reports of 5 deaths now from methanol poisoning in the region at around the same time period.

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Its very sad.

Methanol can be I think a by product of not making alcohol correctly. Its not necessarily some idiot mixing a bottle of metho in with booze.

It wouldn’t surprise me given where it has happened, that what it is, is some backyard distilling gone wrong.

Hopefully they find the link to the distiller to destroy whatever product it is.

Yeah. Everyone needs to be vigilant about their drinks.

Hand up as having “done a bucket” (IYK,YK) in Vang Vieng… and then cycled long distances and climbed tall things the next day!

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I have had the traditional rice-based Lao drinks in remote villages where I was a guest (not at a tourist bar). Lao-hai, which was referred to as ‘beer’, cloudy white and drunk communally from a clay pot through a long straw, and Lao-Lao, a very strong and clear rice whiskey/vodka. Neither made me sick, but it was easy to imagine how things could go wrong with the brewing processes in that environment.