General Australian news

So here we have it: how propagandists twist stories now has to be accepted as a true account of what actually happened, despite well credentialed people saying that it was nowhere near true.

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Crime is still massive in Cape Town, though Johannesburg is still higher. Cape Town is a beautiful place, just not that safe.

When you say “the news organisation that had just endorsed Rudd as PM”, you actually meant that they had just endorsed him almost two years earlier, didn’t you (well 21 months anyway)?

Under Albanese, the media labelled changes in Departmental Secretaries as a shuffling.
From memory, Kathryn Campbell ( of Robodebt infamy and Brereton NAC infamy) was moved from DFAT Secretary to special projects in Defence. She later retired. Also from memory, the Winker ( Stephanie Foster) was promoted to a Departmental Secretary.
Morrison had placed Campbell in DFAT , absent any track record in international relations.

Replace just with earlier. Either way they endorsed him

I’ve always thought that these would be perfect for chips and gravy whilst driving.

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No hands even. dip for a chip then dip for gravy. deliciously dangerous

I’d like to see competitive eaters have to wear them.

So when the gluttons have to finish they have to finish everything. Even the slops they drop.

Another day another anti semitic attack. Childcare centre burnt down in Sydney eastern suburbs with anti semitic slogan spray painted on the outside walls.

It’s getting worse.

A child care centre?

■■■■■■■ disgusting.


Key discarded.

Let God look after them!


When one of them was the son of an ex comancheros leader. Ie organised crimes involved.

Well, I’m gonna guess there might be more than hate behind these attacks. :moneybag:

Which is very scary indeed.

I feel very deeply for the Jewish community. I hope the police get to the bottom of it quickly.

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“Explosives in Caravan” now possibly just a clever (or not so clever) set-up.


What’s going on in this country!?!



It is a valid question, but I was having a little call back fun re the caravan of terror. Which in no way is intended to diminish the seriousness of the potential of the event of course, for the benefit of stern posters here.

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Humans gonna human.

Horrible species.