HELP My computer is not behaving itself!

I had a Trojan.Gen.8 detected on it. I have had issues where inexcplicably (to me) my pc would get a blue screen error and saying it was a “driver state failure” or something of the sort. I have Norton 360 installed. I am using windows 10 now too. I would get the blue screen error and it has been quite frustrating. I would often get it during a scan. I would do a live update and then remove the ethernet cable and that would often allow my pc to complete scans.

In the last couple of days I cannot use Mozilla (my usual browser) and same with steam unless it is in big picture mode, which I HATE using. What would happen for both Mozilla and Steam is that they would appear in my toolbar but I could not see them on screen. So they would be on but I could not switch to them either by clicking on their icon or through ctrl + tab or through the task manager.

If anyone can help me then I would appreciate it.

will try some of these things tomorrow. Thanks.

There could be a few options but do you know the full error? It’s easier if we know exactly what the blue screen says cause it could be straight forward.

As a test, boot into safe mode and see if the same thing happens. While is safe mode run a full scan using whatever you have on hand (being Norton 360 in this case).

Also Norton have a page on how to remove this;

Don’t be too alarmed as it’s nothing major.

Do you have Malwarebytes installed? If not, it’s probably a good start

Stop code was “DRIVER POWER STATE FAILURE”, Soulnet.

Did you just upgrade to windows 10? Cause if you did it’s most likely a driver that didn’t install 100%.

THought I replied to this a while back. No I upgraded over a year ago I think.

This link may solve your problem:


This error normally indicates that the driver is in an inconsistent or invalid power state.

Please update the display adapter drivers and check.

a. Press Windows key + X on the desktop Screen and select Device manager.

b. Expand Display adapters, right click on display adapter listed, click update driver software.

c. Restart the computer and check if it works fine.

For more information, you may refer to this link.

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Thanks. I did that but “windows determined the driver software for your device is up to date”.

So no restart required.

It’ll likely be graphic card driver. You’ll either have an AMD or NVIDIA type card. If you’re not sure both websites have a ‘detect card for me’ option.

I went and rolled back the driver and reinstalled so Firefox is now working, Steam has to be run in big picture still though.

Just going to stick this here.

“Unfortunately Google play store has stopped”

Have tried every simple fix I can find on the net save for factory reset or rooting phone to uninstall play store. Any Android gurus out there with any ideas?

Nexus 5 Android 6.0.1