I'm not going to resort to dirty tricks


The Great Pyramid of Giza. That's just one example but there are many examples of structures consisting of massive stones cut so precisely and fitted together so exactly that you can't even fit a piece of paper between them.


But one of my favourite finds from antiquity is the Antikythera Mechanism, a 2000 year old computer.



How about the Mayans' understanding of astronomy?


But I'm sure you know all these, you're an old Ancient Aliens fan, you know as well as me there are countless features of antiquity which were millennia ahead of the evolutionary model.


This is not an argument against the evolution principle as such. But it's evidence that in relation to ■■■■ Sapiens something went snap. Suddenly all this knowledge appeared in that region of the world. There is NO record of a gradual build up of this knowledge. It was just there suddenly.


I believe that what went "snap" was simply the development of cities (facilitated originally by agriculture) and the subsequent specialisation of roles that this allowed. Over a few thousand years you go from every person having to spend most of their time working to sustain the bare necessities of life, to having specialists who can provide this to a large number of the city's inhabitants while everyone else can devote their time to other specialised areas, such as building, mathematics, and astronomy. Also around this time you have the development of writing which enabled detailed and complex information to be conserved and accumulated. These two relatively simple inventions developed gradually, but facilitated an explosion in the cumulative knowledge of our species. And yet, while this was very rapid in an evolutionary sense, this knowledge did not just appear one day. We're still talking hundreds or even thousands of years. That's a long time for people to work this stuff out, and the last hundred years, for example, shows that things can develop very quickly.

The great pyramid of Giza is the one that gets me.

How so?

The great pyramid of Giza is the one that gets me.

Them big bits of stone, sitting on other big bits of stone...