I want to be V. D. Sucks again

So if I know that everything I know is wrong, does that mean everything is actually right?

I know that is a rhetorical question and you were being a smarty pants but I will give it a straight answer anyway.


You have been lied to all your life. From the moment you emerged from your mother's womb. You are lied to every day.

The whole system of government, education, dogmatic, blinkered science and religion is based on deception, to keep you from knowing what is really going on. You are chained in a cave looking at shadows on the cave wall thinking the shadows are what's really going on in the world, not knowing there's a whole different reality outside the cave that you've never seen. You are as free as a goldfish in a glass tank filled with fake rocks and seaweed and underwater castles. You can swim from one end of the tank to the other, in and out of the little fake castles and objects. Your owners have made the tank to give you the impression of freedom. But you're a total slave. The whole of humanity is enslaved. But people are finding out. Lots of people.