In memoriam. Australian Journalism. Judd Wept

I just watched the Amanda Knox doco on netflix. At the end a journalist who covered the story says words to the effect "People say it was trial by media and yeah looking back we printed some crazy, ridiculous stuff, but i dont buy it, l mean the demand for stories was intense and you cant expect us to verify everything we print. A lot of the stuff, how would you verify it, and besides if we took our time we would risk someone else breaking the story first." Well having a strong interest in a case doesn't mean i don't care if the story is not true. And it used to be if u can't verify from different sources you don't print. But that is obviously not the case anymore, the thirst for content now overides all other considerations.
I recently saw that show and thought the same thing, as that quote really stood out.

A certain witch, SWMNBN, once said it would be happy to have a story about 80% correct and be first, rather then be 100% correct and be second. The readers, of course, wouldn’t know which 20% was lies, and probably it wouldn’t know either.

“80% correct”, huh? Have any of her crap opinion pieces ever got as high as that?

I just watched the Amanda Knox doco on netflix. At the end a journalist who covered the story says words to the effect "People say it was trial by media and yeah looking back we printed some crazy, ridiculous stuff, but i dont buy it, l mean the demand for stories was intense and you cant expect us to verify everything we print. A lot of the stuff, how would you verify it, and besides if we took our time we would risk someone else breaking the story first." Well having a strong interest in a case doesn't mean i don't care if the story is not true. And it used to be if u can't verify from different sources you don't print. But that is obviously not the case anymore, the thirst for content now overides all other considerations.
I recently saw that show and thought the same thing, as that quote really stood out.

A certain witch, SWMNBN, once said it would be happy to have a story about 80% correct and be first, rather then be 100% correct and be second. The readers, of course, wouldn’t know which 20% was lies, and probably it wouldn’t know either.

“80% correct”, huh? Have any of her crap opinion pieces ever got as high as that?

No, she said she’d be “happy” at around 80%. Have you ever seen her happy? She avoids happiness.

With a face like a cracked mirror and a Ninthmond heritage, who the fark would ever be happy?

The rAGE has gone completely off tap since last Nov and I have a suspicion there will be a lot of this going on soon… …

The rAGE has gone completely off tap since last Nov and I have a suspicion there will be a lot of this going on soon... ........

Please post texts not links. Pretty please.

The rAGE has gone completely off tap since last Nov and I have a suspicion there will be a lot of this going on soon... ........

Please post texts not links. Pretty please.

Apology to Wal King AO

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On 3 October 2013, Fairfax Media published articles which alleged that during the time when Mr King was CEO of Leighton Holdings (ending in 2010) he knew of, and participated in, serious corporate misconduct involving bribery and corruption, including allegations that …

If you google Fairfax apologises you will find a raft of forced apologies, including for not proper fact checking and at least one to a court

Herald Sun, breaking the big stories:

“Horse headbutts girl during selfie”.

Was it the horse doing the selfie?

Yeah, she’s photobombed his picture in a hilariously light hearted, cross species accident.

When they say “Selfie” …?? >:)

From the Goodes/Hird article in the Hun:

ambulance was called to his Toorak family home [in] early January.

his own highs and lows thought his stellar AFL career

he hoped the Don’s former coach had much need[ed] support

The Swan’s star and 2014 Australian of the Year, said he has battled depression

you are a wuss for doing that, We have to get past that stigma.

Fark me. Proofread much?

Could be an interesting report, but on one of the key questions:
“The research found smoking weed did not appear to increase the likelihood of developing depression, anxiety or PTSD, with heavy cannabis smokers even more likely to report thoughts of suicide than non-users”.

Maybe I’ll have a toke or three and see if it makes any sense after that…

Maybe not the continuing death of journalism, but Sophie Cape on ABC Australian Story suggests that the AIS may have been into forms of performance enhancement outside the WADA Code

Maybe not the continuing death of journalism, but Sophie Cape on ABC Australian Story suggests that the AIS may have been into forms of performance enhancement outside the WADA Code

I’m sure it’s all fine.

Yes , just a bit of minor surgery

Maybe not the continuing death of journalism, but Sophie Cape on ABC Australian Story suggests that the AIS may have been into forms of performance enhancement outside the WADA Code

This is old news but has never got public traction - It’s often closed down.

Hopes dashed that she had gone on permanent vacation, Sales back on 7.30 report

Do what I do and avoid the 7:30 SYD/ACT Gossip Show.

From the Goodes/Hird article in the Hun:
ambulance was called to his Toorak family home [in] early January.

his own highs and lows thought his stellar AFL career

he hoped the Don’s former coach had much need[ed] support

The Swan’s star and 2014 Australian of the Year, said he has battled depression

you are a wuss for doing that, We have to get past that stigma.

Fark me. Proofread much?

You’ve actually missed one. In the third quote, it should be “Dons’ former coach”, not “Don’s”. He was coach of all the Dons, not just one of them.