Jacob Townsend

I know the comment and I believe it was taken a bit out of context. I think he meant it more that we as a club focused more on skills development and ball movement rather than fitness as the Giants had a list full of sugar-coated steel midfielders who needed to boost their running capacity rather than work on ball skills. Whereas at Essendon we needed to focus on more areas of growth.

That said, there hasn’t been as much noticeable development in most of our squad for a while barre players like Redman.

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Our key position depth is probably weaker in the short term. But I wouldn’t say we’ve replaced it with big bodied runners.
Our KPP depth we delisted was Hartley and Brown. They have essentially been replaced by Jones and Bryan (adding another ruck instead… not another runner).

jeepers, imagine how bad we would be if we didn’t focus on skills


I was surprised when I heard the quote too

Its offical he’s exchanging one sash for the more better one
Welcome Jacob


Welcome Jacob, good to have you on board.

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Hopefully he roughs up the players in preseason and makes them a bit tougher.