Kefir Milk


Great stuff. The consumption of any probiotic foods is a good thing and your body will thank you for it.

We used to keep ours in a mason jar going and feed it raw milk from the dairy. Grew like crazy and we couldn’t keep up with consuming all the kefir so used to give it away to friends. Eventually I broke it up and gave it away in pieces as we were about to travel and I haven’t started one back up in the year since we returned.

Getting used to the taste of your kefir can certainly take some time. It does depend on your palate. It can range from unflavoured yogurt to something akin to a fizzy slightly alcoholic sour milk. The longer you leave it the more sour and fizzy it will be, but byjingos it will be teaming with good bacteria. It is worth tasting each day and then picking what stage you prefer it at and then draining the kefir away from the SCOBY. Put the kefir into a jar and seal it and keep it in the fridge. It will slow down the fermentation process and it is also a bit nicer to drink cold. Just keep adding to this jar in the fridge as you make it. Give it a shake before you drink it as it does settle in the jar. Don’t wash the SCOBY, just keep it in a jar until you have washed and cleaned the jar. Then put is back in the jar and refill it with milk.

To use it you can just drink it straight, which is how I like it. Or you an add some fruit and blend it up to make like a small smoothy to sweeten it. Add it to another smoothy, put it in with your museli or oats. Use something else to mask the flavour if it is too strong.


On BB there is at least one expert on any one topic.

Getting used to the taste of your kefir can certainly take some time.
A bit of pineapple juice can help, I hear.

You racist.

The first person to ask for a Kefir milk coffee will be shot. I neither have a gun, nor know how to use one if I did, but for THIS PERSON, I will buy one and I will learn.

That^^ wouldn’t actually happen … would it?

The first person to ask for a Kefir milk coffee will be shot. I neither have a gun, nor know how to use one if I did, but for THIS PERSON, I will buy one and I will learn.

So… do you serve Kombucha coffee?

I really want to use the acronym SCOBY again!!

The first person to ask for a Kefir milk coffee will be shot. I neither have a gun, nor know how to use one if I did, but for THIS PERSON, I will buy one and I will learn.

No one will ever ever ask for it. It will be like adding yoghurt as a milk replacement in your coffee.

The first person to ask for a Kefir milk coffee will be shot. I neither have a gun, nor know how to use one if I did, but for THIS PERSON, I will buy one and I will learn.

No one will ever ever ask for it. It will be like adding yoghurt as a milk replacement in your coffee.

You’d think.

I’m constantly surprised by the crazy ■■■■ people ask for

You wait until you’re asked for kefir milk containing certain strains of bacteria.

Ok, I will pass on the Kefir coffee…but do you have Kopi luwak?? Nothing better than a good coffee that has been passed through the intestines of a civet! I can see you now, Darli, picking the beans out of the droppings.

You wait until you're asked for kefir milk containing certain strains of bacteria.

I’m expecting within a month that MSM will have scientists totally rebutting any benefit that kefir gives you.