Kevin Sheedy - Legend status

I think Sheeds is trying to disassociate himself with this ■■■■ club.

I don’t think sheeds would have accepted a position on the board just for PR imo

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I don’t think Sheedy is the saint we all make him out to be - he is part of that ■■■■ board, that just approved another 2 years for Xavier yesterday, which locks in Rutten, Dodoro, Heppell in their respective positions until 2024.


I mean I’m sceptical at the best of times, but if that isnt textbook guilt by association I dont know what is. Would have expected better from a lawyer.

Not sure how its guilt by association, when he is an actual full-voting board member

Is the vote required to be unanimous?

That is a good question, but its generally a two/thirds majority

Right, so you dont actually know how Sheedy voted and have assumed he has voted in a a particular way.

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Sheeds certainly has some blind spots to modern footy. He’s also a loyal man who has his favourites regardless of whether they’re performing well or not. I’m not sure if that’s what we need given the current state of things.

I think he is just in it for the money now quite frankly.

Board positions are unpaid though, aren’t they?


The board approved him to keep his marketing salary as ambassador.

Farking hell, there’s a conflict of interests.

Thing is Sheeds is not in a position of power these days … but a position of influence only. His invitation to sit on the EFC Board was probably a Chairman/CEO move to make sure they had proper respectability. Purely political imho. Sheeds being Sheeds just accepted in good faith.

Now he’s likely feeling compromised. That clip of him watching the SCG debacle with crossed arms said a lot to me. What can he do? I bet he’s offering Truck advice and doing all he can. He does love the club no matter what people say. And I bet he’d love to rip the Board one (no surprise if he has already) given our ■■■■■ performance this year.

I’m equally irritated by Madden and Wellman … where are they when they acutely know the fans are in riotous mood and the team are all over the shop. Where are they as former players? Stum and silent as ever. Unforgivable.

I’d love nothing more than hear and see Kevin Sheedy get on alongside Lloydy in the media and say … RIGHT. ENOUGH. ESSENDON ARE BETTER THAN THIS TRIPE WE’RE WITNESSING. LETS FIX THIS.


Maybe Sheeds doesn’t want to be replaced. And by ‘replaced’, I mean, replaced as coach from way back in 2007

Having successful ex players and coaches on the board works against those wanting change.
Anyone trying to kick this board out will be met with by X with Sheeds, Wellman and Madden.
It won’t work because if it came to a vote, the majority would vote for the ex players.

Sheeds is not the guy going against the current board. If he was, he has enough clout and media exposure to get his point across.

We’re staring at the wooden spoon. You know that surely. If there’s no response, no change or no review by the Board (and X was just extended) Sheedy will walk. He will walk come end of this year because he won’t be able to stand this ■■■■■ approach our board has right now.

Reckon he might jump ship back to gws as a mentor of some sort with spike, hird and Solly back there now

If he is on the board and he is being paid for a job as well, then he is part of the problem.

I am more than happy for him to walk, and everyone else.

Now if he quits his job and the board and declares the place is crap and things need to change, then I will support him. Until then he is part of the problem.