Let's All Go to the Ball


Come Said The Boy.

Who's gonna ride your wild trojan horses.

Eat my ball(s)

See, things like this make me realise that the club is returning to some normalcy and as the days go by I come to understand that one summer not far from now as I look off into the distant paddocks at the horses I'll be able to laugh at all the craziness currently going on and say to my self geez, howzat.








Eagle rock.

Too spensive.

Wow, bit out of my league, would be awesome though

It (was) is a party night

Any one ales taking up the Highmark Member Discount and going to the ball? We are and would love to meg up as we did for last years Crichton Medal

Ohhh bad typing…

Meet up is better…lol

I'd go but I can't bring myself to clapping for anyone named Wilson. :P

I only attend functions organised by COTCH’S CREW

If someone would like to pay for my flights, accommodation, dress, shoes, hair and makeup I’ll be their date :slight_smile:

Ill keep my dosh for the Crichton. ive never actually gone to the Chrichton medal so that will be fun. also, i hate daryl braithwaite with a passion

I'd go but I can't bring myself to clapping for anyone named Wilson. :P

*clap clap*