Make the US Politics Thread Great Again

Fkn even Bart would be preferable, …

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Eight minutes is the new eighteen months.

Much more flexibility that way.


Making America Great y’all


You’re all suffering trump derangement syndrome.


More like everyone is suffering Deranged Trump Syndrome, …


Sam Harris, (one of my heroes), on Trump and lying. (from the abc site):

"Honestly, thus far, that [the casualty of truth] is the most harmful aspect of his presidency. Just the complete ruination of any standard of honesty in political discourse and it’s astonishing to me. I have not yet accepted that this is even possible, much less actual. I don’t think I’m alone, but I’m continually having the bewildering experience that I just cannot believe that this person is president. It is all focused on this particular aspect of his presidency, where he lies more than any person has ever lied in human history and not only does he get away with it, his supporters seem to delight in his running roughshod over any expectation that a public figure would be honest. It’s not a bug, it’s a feature for them and that’s really disturbing. He has enough people that support him for whom the lying is not actually a problem, it’s a technique. It’s a kind of naked declaration of power, where he doesn’t have to observe your expectations about what is logical or coherent or responsive to facts. He can just say what he wants, because it’s the impression he wants to leave with you. He wants a certain language in the air and he just puts it there.

But all lying is just destructive of the social fabric, even so called white lies undermine trust, they undermine relationships, they destroy reputations — that is in a context where people care about the truth. But what’s amazing now, we seem to be in some kind of freefall with respect to this and so many people do not care if you are caught lying. And Donald Trump seems to have rewritten the rules.



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That’s all true


Sam Harris is one of your heroes? Why?

That’s the problem with this POS POTUS, these weird farkers are now ‘normalised’ and emboldened. It seems the more outlandish the ‘better’.


More specifically, an intellectual hero. A rationalist, highly intelligent guy who makes me think and I find myself agreeing with pretty much everything he says.

No Hurley no Essington


He claimed he had attracted 32,000 people at a rally in Grand Rapids, Mich., on the eve of the election when the venue held only 4,200 and local media estimated that perhaps that many were waiting outside, for a total of 8,000.

I know it has been mentioned lots of times but it bears repeating. Trump’s ability to reduce the value of facts to be equal with opinions is both fascinating and disturbing. Pre Trump, facts were used as the ultimate arbiter. Facts were worth something and if you were making a claim, you would be careful to check the facts first before mouthing off, lest you’d look foolish. Not now. Facts are inconsequential. The point is more important. But how does he get away with it? To be believed he needs believers. Willing accomplices for whom the message is more important than the truth.
Barring impeachment, Trump will win again. He’s proves every day that the public couldn’t care less about the truth.
Devolution. It’s well underway.


I read that article, and I’m struggling to accept that’s it’s not a hoax.

If this guy is legit, um, well, … 'Murica.

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Impeachment won’t happen. Thinking it’s more likely he’ll try and legislate a third term. US system seems hopelessly incapable of fixing this.

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I thought the ‘can only serve two terms’ isn’t actually a legislated thing, but just an agreed normal practice that nobody wants to really go against (which would suit Trump perfectly if he has the chance). IIRC FDR served 3 and a bit terms (died shortly after being re-elected for his fourth term). Has it been legislated since, or did FDR get some special dispensation because of the Great Depression and then WWII?

I found this:

The 22nd amendment of the United States constitution, ratified in 1951, states: “No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice”.

And if someone takes over as President for two years or more, such as when Vice President Gerald Ford stepped in after President Richard Nixon’s resignation in 1973, they can then only be re-elected once.

Trump will probably declare he isnt a “person” but a human being, but he also isn’t a human being but a collection of cells, so he’ll get to run more than twice.

Also, twice isnt actually twice, but an unspecified number. Tragically, it’ll work.

He could change his name to “The Donald” or “Donald Trumpest” and then run as a new candidate.