Marriage is totally Gay

Lol. So that is a 20th century interpretation of a glove slap?

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The joke is that the Coalition did not deliver on its election promise of a plebiscite. When it was blocked by the Senate we ended up with a postal survey , which had not been part of its election platform. And the Coalition has a new policy, that the outcome of the survey will bind it for the future.


You’ve summed yourself up perfectly here.


Jesus. Wim, Dingus, BSD, everyone. Love your work generally, but any chance you could control yourselves and stop responding to Trip?

You know he’s a troll, you know he’ll never change his view, and deflect and distract etc etc. Youre fighting a never ending war that you full well know has zero chance of success.

And that’s all fine, when it’s a discussion about Trump or Obama or whatever, cause it’s fun to have a bit of a stoush online (I love it) but this is a debate that is actually affecting people detrimentally. Jase is one, I’m sure there are others lurking who are also distressed by it. See Jase’s earlier post reproduced below for context:

And this one, when I advised him to stop responding to Trip about a week back:

By all means, keep the discussion going with people with alternative views, such as IT and WP, both of whom I think have been respectful and whose contributions to this debate and this forum are appreciated. But the continued sniping with Trip achieves nothing, does nobody any good, and may actively be distressing people.

He won’t stop, so you all should.



As I said above, I’ve reached a conclusion about interacting with him generally, let alone in here.

And I agree, the interactions with others who plan to vote “No” haven’t gone this way. Reasoned debate is not only possible, it’s happenning in here.

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Eh? I’ve been asking the same question and saying don’t feed the fkn thing.
I don’t even read the gooses turkeys pelicans posts. Haven’t for eons.

And I can’t recall Jesus responding to him either. :thinking:
I’m sure he’s got him on ignore too.

My apologies - I thought you had been responding but I must have been mistaken.

All good. I came to the point Ding just has quite a while ago.

The troll is a pointless waste of pixels.

Jesus just said it’s cool too. :+1:

(Well of course it is, :roll_eyes: … that guy always forgives…)

You’ve just completely made that up. I don’t think I ever mentioned Obama playing golf unless it was in context with Trump.

I am not fixated on trivialities like the Left.

Funny when this was brought up in the old thread, you dismissed it as ‘fake news’.

Ah yes. Anyone that disagrees with you is “teh left”… Classic trip.

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You kids make me laugh.
Alternative opinion to leftist group think = troll.

Sadly most are too thick to understand that mainstream Australia is more aligned with mine and werewolf’ views (aka responsible adults) than the shouty echo chamber on here.

Not sure of your point.

It was fake news then and it’s fake news now. I have never made a stand alone comment about Obama golfing. I could not care less.

Anyone on the far left or far right are just poorly programmed chatbots. Zero information to be received communicating with either group. The response is 100% predictable.


Fake news!



Unfortunately google made us delete the first US Pol thread. It was a goldmine.

Haha. That is hardly ‘constantly’.
Good pick up anyway.

Define far left and far right.

I think for most people on here ‘Far Right’ is anyone to the right of Bill Shorten.
The Greens are the middle, Socialist Alternative is Left and Socialist Anarchists are Far Left.

Yep. Sure. You and that other guy are the moderate majority.

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Back to more important questions from @Diggers, loafing someone comes from “using your loaf (of bread)”, rhyming slang for “head”.

In short, the Liverpool Kiss.