Marriage is totally Gay

I love 20th century Australian turn of phrase. I’ll take your word as the authentic interpretation although I don’t mind Bacchus’ version either.

Exhibit A: A far right chatbot response.

Stop it, this is not the thread for this crap. Please just stop it all of you. Trip please mate just stop.

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Based on post counts and thread titles and approximate dates only; not re-reading all of the posts for perfect categorisation, no one has time for that:


The rainbow colouring is a nice touch


Damn… I thought I’d been reeeeeeeeal subtle about the choice and order of the colours :wink:

The tolerant left.


lol. crazy person has point of view.


A loon essentially telling people to ‘go back to where they came from’. You must be torn on this.

Why bother? He’s blatantly ignored heaps of these articles and even hinted that one bashing was provoked.


Sounds legit.

Well, if this is the source, the people where happy to put their names to the claims.

Can we just take a moment to recognise that according to them gays should be shot, and ignore that paedophile priests themselves a little boy?

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Huh? How do you know how this guy votes?
And why is it you automatically excuse the behaviour of ‘No’ campaigners?

Alternative facts!

I think it was only said recently to stop giving the resident narcissist his supply. Ignore and let him go haunt the comments sections in The Guardian or something. How tired does anyone need to get with chopping off heads and watching them spring up with another bullshit angle? He doesn’t give a ■■■■ about your opinion. He’s not here to debate. He’s here to steer the conversation around his little finger for his own jollies. Its entertainment. Stop being offended and stop caring about it.


This is not The Guardian. This is supposed to be an ‘open’ forum where all views are discussed - despite best attempts by some.

If you want to hear the views and opinions of like-minded people and live in an echo chamber then by all means restrict yourself to The Guardian. Otherwise suck it up princess and start dealing with the fact that not everyone is of the same mindset as the average Guardian snob/bigot.

It’s kind of odd that all the campaigning has begun only once the survey commenced. I’m sure I’m not alone in having voted as soon as the letter arrived, and that is a while back now. It’s bordering on starting a campaign at 4pm on the Saturday of an election and continuing it into Sunday morning. Weeks of emotionally bruising debate ahead for those with most at stake and yet possibly very few votes to shift.


The “No” ads ive seen in the last few days sum up the dishonest nature of the naysayers. Not a single hint of the actual question. Pathetic.