Match day - ANZAC Day 2023

We were 28 points up. 28 points up. Premiership contender or not that’s devastating.


skills under any pressure too poor

This is way worse than last year.

Genuinely speechless.

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When is this brain dead club going to understand Phillips cannot play 3 games in a row.
Heppell has become an embarrassment.

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When you’re 28 points up and lose to these stains in the way we did, I’m sorry but that’s a disgrace

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At least clobber some filth fans for those that are there.

Our mids have been bashed by their small forwards at every F50 stoppage.

Only certain players can be hit high.

What’s this 11 losses from the last 14 Anzac Days

We dont deserve to win. We cant hold tackles

This is the worst Anzac loss I’ve watched.

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Sure it is disappointing, but they are far superior to us with a better balanced and experienced group of players.

Onto Geelong in 5 days.

0-2 coming up

Menzie should never play firsts again.

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Reality check for all of us, just in case we dared to think we were any good :no_mouth:

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I don’t think today is the day that Brad Scott will crack his first smile in the coaches box

■■■■ off Menzie. You are a VFL hack.

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Shiel jogging to not help menzie is pathetic.

We were just not up to it… this one hurts.

Menzie has been ■■■■■■■ terrible

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