Match Day Thread Graph Swans Roller Coaster Edition

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I thought straight after the loss, ■■■■ Blitz has survived alot, but goddard just went and broke it beyond repair.

@riolio the visits per minute graph would be interesting. Blitz is a bit of a ■■■■■■■■■.

Wow that was blocked!

I note, belatedly, that my original game day thread graph was actually affected by a short outage as Blitz over-loaded. It had me very confused for a while, trying to align the scores and comments.

I’ve adjusted the server again hopefully to handle Essington in future.




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I’d be curious about this but Google Analytics can only show me hourly unfortunately.

No access to the raw logs???

Google Analytics stores all the data and apparently it can be queried minute by minute but I don’t know how to do that.

Have you tried searching Bing?

I’ll get my jacket.

Wow… it’s just like when I found out that bunnies don’t lay easter eggs.

“It’s all computers right?”

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“Did you try turning it on and off?”

“Did you try replacing the item between the keyboard and the chair?”

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should’ve used apple analytics. it just works.

That would be true but it’d have even less features.

Couldn’t watch on Friday night due to a prior commitment and only just got around to watching the last quarter during lunch time today. Decided to hit “stop” right after Hurls scored that goal to put us 19 points up. That’s all I needed to see … fingers in ears, eyes closed, LA LA LA LA LA LA LA.

No server can handle Essington.

Google would go down