Melbourne priority pick


Yet another baffling inconsistent ruling there. Classic AFL. No club in their right mind would have traded pick 3 for him. Two teams were the winners here, and the rest of the competition suffers


Remember, its not quite as bad as pick 3 as there is an equalisation overlay in this -  a players value is calculated as a round 1,2,3 etc equivalent. They then award a pick after the clubs pick in that round. 


According to the magic formula, he is worth a first round pick. Because Melbourne finished low on the ladder, they get an amazing pick for him. 


By contrast, if he was leaving Hawthorn, they would have got pick 19 for him. Is he worth pick 19? Dunno.  


The question is whether he is worth a 1st or a 2nd round pick.  For mine, the magic formula said both he and Buddy were worth a 1st round pick - and that's farked. 


The equalisation part of it - meaning Melb get 3 whereas Hawthorn would have got 19 - I don't mind. 


Oh that explains it!  Wow, what a screwed up system.

The compo is partially decided by the deal the player gets. So he's on good coin - I think he's only the 4th guy to activate a first rounder - after Goddard, Thomas, Buddy - and they were all on $700k or upwards.


GAJr signed before this version of FA I think.

It would be fairer if the club recruiting the free agent lost their pick in the "deemed" round. Effectively they would be forced to use it on the free agent. Other clubs wouldn't be disadvantaged beyond that round.


eg with Frawley Hawks would lose their 1st round pick.


Why a team pays nothing for a player another club is compensated for escapes my understanding of value.

It would be fairer if the club recruiting the free agent lost their pick in the "deemed" round. Effectively they would be forced to use it on the free agent. Other clubs wouldn't be disadvantaged beyond that round.


eg with Frawley Hawks would lose their 1st round pick.


Why a team pays nothing for a player another club is compensated for escapes my understanding of value.

Yup, effectively the other 16 teams are the ones punished for it. Makes no sense.

It would be fairer if the club recruiting the free agent lost their pick in the "deemed" round. Effectively they would be forced to use it on the free agent. Other clubs wouldn't be disadvantaged beyond that round.


eg with Frawley Hawks would lose their 1st round pick.


Why a team pays nothing for a player another club is compensated for escapes my understanding of value.


Not really sure that's workable either. 


One of the main reasons FA came into being is because there's so many teams in the comp, clubs draft picks are far apart in the draft order and it can be hard to put together an equitable trade to get a bloke to a side he wants to play for, especially for better players that would warrant an earlyish pick.


Say (for instance) someone like Stanton had his heart set on going to the Dees.  Their 1st round pick is heavily overpaying, but their second rounder is unders by a long way.  And assuming there's no Dees players that we're willing to take and that are willing to go the other way, that makes it really hard for a trade to be done (just ask Ryder, who's in basically the same situation right now - if Ryder WASN'T contracted he's presumably just go as FA to Port and, given the salary he's reportedly being offered, we'd get 2 first round compo picks and everyone would be reasonably content).  FA was meant to make it easier for him to go to the Dees, which would get us (in a non-post-draft-penalties year...) probably a 1st round compo pick, which would be in the order of 10-12, which seems moderately reasonable.


Your proposal would just wind back the clock and create the same problems all over again


It would be fairer if the club recruiting the free agent lost their pick in the "deemed" round. Effectively they would be forced to use it on the free agent. Other clubs wouldn't be disadvantaged beyond that round.


eg with Frawley Hawks would lose their 1st round pick.


Why a team pays nothing for a player another club is compensated for escapes my understanding of value.


Not really sure that's workable either. 


One of the main reasons FA came into being is because there's so many teams in the comp, clubs draft picks are far apart in the draft order and it can be hard to put together an equitable trade to get a bloke to a side he wants to play for, especially for better players that would warrant an earlyish pick.


Say (for instance) someone like Stanton had his heart set on going to the Dees.  Their 1st round pick is heavily overpaying, but their second rounder is unders by a long way.  And assuming there's no Dees players that we're willing to take and that are willing to go the other way, that makes it really hard for a trade to be done (just ask Ryder, who's in basically the same situation right now - if Ryder WASN'T contracted he's presumably just go as FA to Port and, given the salary he's reportedly being offered, we'd get 2 first round compo picks and everyone would be reasonably content).  FA was meant to make it easier for him to go to the Dees, which would get us (in a non-post-draft-penalties year...) probably a 1st round compo pick, which would be in the order of 10-12, which seems moderately reasonable.


Your proposal would just wind back the clock and create the same problems all over again



You've just worked out how the AFL could get Paddy to Port, I reckon.

They make up the rules as they go along anyway, so they could just call Paddy a special FA, Port trade #18 to Essendon, Essendon get a first round compo pick to use in the next three years.

Boom.  Done.

It did occur to me, but the downside of that idea is that EFC couldn't agree to it, cos it'd basically make every other bloke on our list who signed a contract before Feb 2013 a free agent, and declare open season on basically everyone.  In isolation, a reasonable call.  In context of the rest of the list, the club would have to fight that to the wire. 

I would have thought the spin would be that this is a 'compassionate' FA that had nothing to do with ASADA.



Yet another baffling inconsistent ruling there. Classic AFL. No club in their right mind would have traded pick 3 for him. Two teams were the winners here, and the rest of the competition suffers


Remember, its not quite as bad as pick 3 as there is an equalisation overlay in this -  a players value is calculated as a round 1,2,3 etc equivalent. They then award a pick after the clubs pick in that round. 


According to the magic formula, he is worth a first round pick. Because Melbourne finished low on the ladder, they get an amazing pick for him. 


By contrast, if he was leaving Hawthorn, they would have got pick 19 for him. Is he worth pick 19? Dunno.  


The question is whether he is worth a 1st or a 2nd round pick.  For mine, the magic formula said both he and Buddy were worth a 1st round pick - and that's farked. 


The equalisation part of it - meaning Melb get 3 whereas Hawthorn would have got 19 - I don't mind. 


Oh that explains it!  Wow, what a screwed up system.


Effectively Hawks trade Buddy for Pick 19 & Frawley.


not that bad. if you can organise it so you lose a free agent 1 year get compo then pickup a fre agent next year the system works ok for you, but stuffs everyone else up.


also dees got pick 3 for frawley instead of compensation pick for being ■■■■■ in my opinion.

Deal with afl been doing way back....

How they got pick 3 still baffles me, I understand it’s the system, but that just shows you how fkd the system is. They should scrap compensation picks all together… And just boot Melbourne to the VFL…

How did Harks only get 19 for Franklin while Dees get 3 for Frawley?

Classed as 1st round, which you get after your first pick in that round isn't it?

How they got pick 3 still baffles me, I understand it's the system, but that just shows you how fkd the system is. They should scrap compensation picks all together.. And just boot Melbourne to the VFL..

free agency will see to that eventually

Nathan Jones has been signed until end of 2018

Quoted Post

Nathan Jones has been signed until end of 2018

That poor ■■■■■■■. Somehow they brain washed him into staying or kidnapped his family.

Although they misspelled the title, everyone knows it should be: JONESY.