Mitch Brown - The Accountant

I'm just wondering what his weapon is. He's pretty big. And he's not slow. But he's no dead eye ■■■■, huge leap or huge clunk. His tank seems OK. What are we supposed to hope he develops into?

A backup tall.

For a guy who has been around an AFL environment for a few years he appears to have a surprising lack of muscle definition.

I don’t think that’s what he’s saying. Just an observation, and I agree. Especially for KPPs, it’s odd (you mentioned Fletcher who is an exception).

I don't think that's what he's saying. Just an observation, and I agree. Especially for KPPs, it's odd (you mentioned Fletcher who is an exception).

Yep just an observation. Maybe he simply is naturally lean with fast metabolism which makes putting on muscle a slow process.

I don't think that's what he's saying. Just an observation, and I agree. Especially for KPPs, it's odd (you mentioned Fletcher who is an exception).

Yep just an observation. Maybe he simply is naturally lean with fast metabolism which makes putting on muscle a slow process.

He busted his shoulders multiple times at Geelong which may have played a part.

He wasn’t our best but by far wasn’t our worst. Presents up forward and provides a chop out for JD.
Would have liked to see him present more up the ground for the kick out of defence.
Let’s remember it’s only his 3 rd game back from a very very long time out of the AFL. let’s not forget he has only 18 games total. Another 2 games and it will be his career highest for a season.
Give the man a break, he will be a star. Moves well, is quick for a big guy, can take a grab and can kick a goal.

Hopefully he can find another gear because it seems he doesn’t play with much urgency or intensity.

I think he’s probably better suited to the back line, but then again, most key position players are. It’s a much easier end of the ground to play.

Brown = vanilla

Fark me a week is a long time on the Blitz.

After a win, he’s good, keep him forward, can swing back if needed, glad we wphu in the draft.

After a loss, doesn’t do enough for a kpf, too skinny, no tricks, better suited as a defender.

Fun times!!!

Fark me a week is a long time on the Blitz.

After a win, he’s good, keep him forward, can swing back if needed, glad we wphu in the draft.

After a loss, doesn’t do enough for a kpf, too skinny, no tricks, better suited as a defender.

Fun times!!!





He should have been moved back last night on Dixon. Gary ablett snr wouldn’t have made an impact up forward for us last night And our skills were down a mile from the week before resulting in absolute rubbish delivery to our forward line all night. Nothing can be read into last night re Mitch IMHO.

Fark me a week is a long time on the Blitz.

After a win, he’s good, keep him forward, can swing back if needed, glad we wphu in the draft.

After a loss, doesn’t do enough for a kpf, too skinny, no tricks, better suited as a defender.

Fun times!!!

Or, people have many varied opinions on Brown, and conveniently lumping all people into a single basket so that you can make some cynical commentary about this forum is misplaced.

For a guy who has been around an AFL environment for a few years he appears to have a surprising lack of muscle definition.

Well fark me he should be dropped and made to gym it until shred ready.

But seriously the guy has a quiet game Blitz is so harsh. Glad we don’t pick the team we’d never be settled. 10 changes every week

Fark me a week is a long time on the Blitz.

After a win, he’s good, keep him forward, can swing back if needed, glad we wphu in the draft.

After a loss, doesn’t do enough for a kpf, too skinny, no tricks, better suited as a defender.

Fun times!!!

Or, people have many varied opinions on Brown, and conveniently lumping all people into a single basket so that you can make some cynical commentary about this forum is misplaced.

We should celebrate our diversity?

Hallelujah brother!

Fark me a week is a long time on the Blitz.

After a win, he’s good, keep him forward, can swing back if needed, glad we wphu in the draft.

After a loss, doesn’t do enough for a kpf, too skinny, no tricks, better suited as a defender.

Fun times!!!

Or, people have many varied opinions on Brown, and conveniently lumping all people into a single basket so that you can make some cynical commentary about this forum is misplaced.

Yes, I take your opinion on board WD and it’s a valid point that you make.

But where I have a problem is that none of these issues about Brown’s shortcomings have been raised prior to the Port game, when incidently, most of the side were quiet or had shocking games.

The week before, in an unexpected win, he played the perfect foil as the second kpf to our number one kpf which helped him run riot. There were no misgivings then about how skinny he is or doesn’t do enough as a kpp.

Fast forward six days and he fails to have an impact on a match, much like 75% of his team mates, and people on here begin questioning his worth as an AFL player after hoping against all hope, that after the promise that he showed as a top up in the pre-season of last year, that no club would pick him up before us in the draft.

I do believe that he would be better suited as a third mobile, link up kpp either forward or back but as circumstances would have it in which the club finds itself this season, he has probably been thrown into a position that’s not quite the best fit for him but is for the club for now.

I’m reluctant to write the guy off based on one poor performance after only his third official League game for the club.

And you are correct on another aspect in response to my post.

I am a cynical pr!ck, especially after enduring and witnessing the abhorrent treatment of our club and its former champions by a number of self -interested and corrupt organisations over the past 3-4 years.

Therefore I will cut a bit of slack to any player this year whose performances may fluctuate as the club hasn’t been given any chance of being competitve due to the extraordinary circumstances it finds itself in this year.

Just trying to provide a bit of perspective on where we are at the moment and why I cringe at the criticism our players cop here after one poor game.

And yes, another thing you’re correct about, everyone on here is entitled to having differing opinions and I respect that and wholeheartedly take that on board.

You’re quite right. I just think that people should be able to make observations, whether positive or otherwise, without recriminations. I don’t think any of the discussion has been particularly unfair. But my response was a bit passive aggressive, so sorry about that.

You're quite right. I just think that people should be able to make observations, whether positive or otherwise, without recriminations. I don't think any of the discussion has been particularly unfair. But my response was a bit passive aggressive, so sorry about that.
No need to apologise WD.

I can understand how you may have taken my post as being negative towards people’s right to express themselves on this forum.

I tried to make the point of the schizophrenic nature of the Blitz from one week to the other after a win and a loss and how amusing I find it.

It may have come across as being a little arrogant by being a bit too smart.

I never mean to show disrespect to other individual poster’s views on here and apologise if it came off that way.

Blitz, no mater how often it is referred to as a single amalgamous entity, simply isn’t.

If the same person said the two opposing things, then there is something to be said on it, but I’ll guarantee, it wasn’t.

It’s like expressing surprise that one week, a liberal voter was singing the praises of the Govt, and the very next week, a labor voter was putting them to the sword! Go figure!

It has never made any sense, & never will, but it will continue, that is a given.

Its all very well to have opinions about players and express them, how players play and how the coaches coach, they are really things over which, even collectively we have no control. These are thought bubbles that pop like the fizz out of a coke can.

But if someone starts a petition and its supported by the Blitz community, or the Blitz community supports / promotes or gives some board aspirant a platform to express their view, or some supporters organise a march or actually do something, thats when the Blitz has the power to help change things.

But if writing a thought bubble about players gives you some gratification, no worries I have no problem with that.