Music You've Been Listening To

Committed crimes against music :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:



At last weā€™re back on the same page :slight_smile:

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Listening to Pleasuredome (full version) again, andā€¦goddamn.
Canā€™t help be amused byā€¦what else sounds like this?
I mean, I get it, but the answer is nothing.
Nothing sounds like this.
I meanā€¦in a weird way, maybe Evie 1-3.
The sheer audacityā€¦


Album track.
Iā€¦love the mockery and embracing of commercialism (along with the ads between the songs on the album which are also freaking awesome).
These guys were seriously influential and get no cred. Which I think isā€¦a little weird.
Anyway, also like the track.


The whole album is so ridiculous in its audaciousnessā€¦
A 15 minute title track
A band who barely played on it.
A double album as a debut.
A double album which is padded out with cover versions and skits.
A cover of Born To Run designed to annoy the bejesus out of Springsteen fans.
A pop album which owes more to Pink Floyd in parts than any pop songs.
An inner sleeve with a centipede of rooting animals parading into an enormous ā– ā– ā– ā– .

Itā€™s just a brilliant concept. Trevor Horn is a brilliant lunatic!


I knew someone who preferred the FGTH version of Born To Run, which is just so so so wrong.

Having said that, I preferred their War over Bruceā€™s.

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This is my vibe right here. Real late 70s throwback stuff.

If ever there was an example of a brilliant single album padded out to be a mixed bag of a double album, Frankieā€™s WTTPD is it.
Side One is brilliant and audacious, but really itā€™s about 7 minutes of music padded out to 15 minutes with jungle noises.
Side Two is Relax, Two Tribes and a decent (but unnecessarily dragged out) War. 'Nuff said!
Side Three is completely and utterly forgettable in every way. Wall-to-wall padding.
Side Four actually has three surprisingly good songs buried on it as well as a Floyd-aping instrumental with sound from a bad p0rnfilm laden on top of it for no apparent reason.

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After looking most of the week for a similar sound Itā€™s definitely unique. Iā€™m not well versed in dance music from the time but I think thereā€™s some Pink Floyd all the way to Kool and the gang influence. The Police is probably the closest influence that I can find yet itā€™s still not close.

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I would vote for Electric Ladyland as carrying more padding. As a single album it would have been Handrixā€™s best by far, but there is a lot of that album l just canā€™t listen to.

XTCā€¦have the full vinyl collection except for Apple Venus and Wasp Star.

Can never get tired of this incredible and underrated band.


Electric Ladyland is my favourite album of all time. I adore it, but its not perfect. Burning of the Midnight Lamp sounds poor and sonically out of place. It was a single from 1967. I like the song, but should not have been included. And Noel Reddings song was a mere courtesy from Jimi to have it included.

Other than that, I think its perfect.
But I do like the thought of it as two seperate single albums. One being side A and side C mixed together as a single LP (all the long tracks like Voodoo Chile [the bluesy one] and the 1983 underwater epic) as one killer psychedlic blues journey and the other sides B and D all together as a really good straight rock album.

Considering Jimi never got to release another studio in his life time, in retrospect, it probably wouldve been a better move to do that and I dont think it wouldve tarnished his legacy.

I think the White Album suffers more from being a double that coulda been a ripping single. Theres a fair bit of fat that coulda been trimmed off that.

Agree 100% with your last statement.

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Problem is, nobody can choose a track listing for a single White Album.
And you can make things even harder by adding Hey Jude, which was released as a non-album single.
Canā€™t tell me that wouldnā€™t make the album better, but it would mean you lose even more tracks (at least two).

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Now youā€™ve got me thinking about standalone singles. I was gonna try and list some that wouldā€™ve elevated albums, but this list someone put together does a pretty damn good job:

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A few moreā€¦
Blur - Popscene, Under The Westway
XTC - Are You Receiving Me (some regions added it, but it wasnā€™t originally on their 2nd album)
Depeche Mode - Shake The Disease
Fountains of Wayne - Denise
Human League - Fascination
Icehouse - Love In Motion
Models - On
Posies - Going Going Gone
Squeeze - Annie Get Your Gun
Tears For Fears - The Way You Are
U2 - A Celebration

Now, how about the lost art of great B-sides?..


Hey Jude has been flogged so much on radio over the last 50 years that l can no longer enjoy listening to it, especially the long, painful fade out. Second most boring use of song repetition l can recall.

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I think we might be listening to different radio stations, but fair.

I canā€™t think of many.
A Nation Rejects - Art of Noise
Hallelujah, Here She Comes - U2
Bicentennial - Paul Kelly
Oh, I have God Only Knows as a B Side, but I donā€™t think that counts. Rerelease.