Paul Vander Haar

Just came across this beauty on Facebook.


That is just crap!

Vander was always MUCH cooler than that!

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Is 8 years the record for a bump?

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I thought bumps were all but illegal now.

Scared the crap out of me when I saw this thread re emerge!


I was talking about Vander with another player of his era just a few days ago.

We regularly catch up and the stories he tells me about those years are great to hear.

He was saying that one week they’d be playing against each other and the next week they’d be playing together for the big V and it helped form such good friendships with players from other teams, that the modern players don’t really get to experience.

They don’t make them like these guys anymore.

Apparently Vander had a pretty bad accident 6 months ago and was in a bit of trouble without a cell phone to call for help. He’s ok now though.


I heard he punched chuck norris and Norris went “please sir, may i have another?”

He always liked a beer or six, but never saw him chasing the ladies. He was not a hell-raiser either and was happy at the pub with his mates and his longterm girlfriend, Julie, who became his wife early on. Still has a drink or six and many darts.


He is big. I was quite shocked. Dermott half his size and ironed him out like a tack.

I made that post 10 years ago. I’ve now matured and believe people like me didn’t chase your daughters.

Or ex wives.

The reason Dermie ironed him out was because Vander had his head over the ball, trying to pick it up off the ground and Dermie just ran straight through him and attempted to turn him into a human helicopter. Of course Dermie wasn’t playing the ball.


Thanks. Yes agree with that. Vanda played the game so spectacularly as few have.

Germy Dermie was an Rsole who >somehow< had the protection of the maggots while at HFC. I remember the look of shock on his face when he had a free paid against him and was reported in one of his first games when transferred out of HFC. “How could they do this to me? After all I got away with this ■■■■ all these years” is exactly what he was thinking.

I remember the very first game of the Crows. They played the Dawks in Adelaide and nuggety Chris McDermott was the captain. At one stage he took a chest mark and Dermie in typical fashion arrived late, did not attempt to play the ball and instead gave McDermott a shirt front. He was reported on this occasion. In vein he called his mate Dunstall over and they conferred with a brief nod of the head as if to say there was nothing in it and he should get off. Dermie copped weeks (4?) and the best part was the Dawks lost by over 100.

They both played at about 93 kg and Vanders was a few inches taller.

Last saw him pre-COVID when he was doing a job in the Marsh. He looked below his playing weight and fit for a bloke of 65. Still the same sort of bloke as he was 40 years ago.


Nah. The best part was this is the only footy game I’ve ever betted on, and I got $5 from my Dawk dad.

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Just giving it some mayo.

He still put a pool in for him.

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I can remember him holding court in the far left rear corner of the Downunder Rock Cafe on Lygon st in the late 80’s. Looming over the period correct and culturally-relevant cover-bands, (entertaining the mid week masses of punters as you would), like the gigantic bourbon and coke (?) quaffing Norse God he was. Magnificent.


Take it from me, he chased.
Last game of the season 1990 at Moorabbin. After the game, the Halo club was going nuts and I snuck in with a mate and the two girls we were with at the time.
Vander sits down at our table and started chatting up my GF.
In total disbelief (and a touch of admiration), I watched the master at work.
Luckily he was too ■■■■■■ to make an impression. On her anyway!


My understanding of this kick……he did it with a broken bone in his leg.
Makes it all the more amazing.

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Duffle coat as a kid of 80s with 18 on the back, ah to own a Delorean…

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absolute freak player bit like stringer in the sense he could do anything. I can’t remember the exact details of the story but remember Sheedy saying he invited him round for dinner to talk to him about his “lifestyle” ie drinking , and he rocked up with half a dozen stubbies .
I’m sure someone will have better details than that